• Dental Phobia Support

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Ugh! Everything Could Cause Nausea! What the...



Jul 13, 2010
Please delete my profile. Thank you.
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It is not petty Franca, it's not a problem I have ever had, but I do have other irrational fears. That one does indeed sound debilitating.
I hope never to have dealings with a dental nurse who wears perfume, most perfumes make me sneeze which would not help at all. Luckily my current dentist and nurse are odourless. I once saw a hygenist who stank of garlic, it made me feel quite ill. I do sympathise!!
Franca, Nitrous Oxide is a piece of cake. I had it when I had a tooth pulled and had impressions for my dentures. You are totally relaxed and have sort of a floating sensation. I was worried about gagging when I had my impressions done..but with the Nitrous I had NO problem at all..NONE.
I had IV sedation when I had all my teeth extracted..again..no problems. No upset stomach or anything. They actually gave me something through the IV to prevent stomach upset..so ask about that.
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Hi Franca

This is a real problem. I have not had it but would never make fun of it or think it is trivial. Just the opposite. I do believe there is help for you in the dental world.

My experience working in a dental office has shown very few gagging/nausea reactions to nitrous. In the concentrations used it is very benign.

I have seen people with a very sensitive gag reflex use vicious lidocaine 2% to numb the gag reflex area. You swish this like a mouthwash and it numbs everything nicely. The anti-nausea medication most commonly used is Phenergan. Zofran is another medication used to prevent vomiting. Your dentist should be able to prescribe any of the medications I mentioned. It would be worth a discussion.

I wish you the best and that you find something that can help. It would also be wise to discuss this with you family doctor.

Blessings :)
Hi Franca! Fellow emetophobe here. It was actually my emetophobia that partly kept me away from dentists for so long. I started going again about three years ago, moved, and recently had to have oral surgery done and I can tell you I know exactly how you feel re: the worry with nitrous. I had it for my surgery and it was AWESOME. :) I felt all floaty and good and no side effects, thankfully.

I believe there is something that can be put into the IV to prevent nausea but perhaps I'm making that up or getting confused. Hmm.

By the way, did you know there are forums/sites for us emetophobes out there? Yep! Know you're not alone!
Thank you Doc
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If it helps any,I get nauseous from alot of different pain meds,so I'm extremely paranoid about trying new ones or other meds.So,when I read that nitrous has the potential to make one nauseous or vomit,I was petrified to have it,along with IV sedation.I've had both though,and I can say...it's nothing.I didn't get sick and it made the procedures go that much smoother for me.

I didn't know there was an actual name for the fear of vomiting ;D Learn something new everyday.I have gotten to a point where it doesn't bother me so much...except when it's me doing it.
Like you I have a high gag mechanism and the littelest thing can make me feel sick or at least feel like it

However I had the nitrous oxide and can honestly say I was too chilled out to even feel sick!!!!! and I am the woman that panicks about getting the paper x rays put in her mouth!!!!!

I agree it is a horrible feeling, and it annoys me that I cannot control it!!!!
but honestly the nitrous oxide is amazing!!!!!:XXLhug::XXLhug::XXLhug:

For me it was like being pleasantly p*ssed and the only thing you should be concerned about is talking too much, I talked for scotland after my appointment and had my hubby in stitches!!!:hic::giggle::giggle::giggle:
Thank you Zoritsa
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i tend to gag a lot in the dentist.

Hi Franca

Just breathe normally and you will be fine. Nitrous will relax you nicely.

Blessings :)
I did it! :yay::jump:
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Welll done - knew you could do it!!!!!!!!:jump::innocent:

Told u the nitrous oxide was amazing

Another hurdle passed will done u!!!!!:hug2::hug2:
Thank you, Ladies.
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