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nervous about mass extractions and dentures



Jan 7, 2011
New York
Hi, I'm back again, still haven't gotten my work started. I am calling a sedation dentist this week for a second opinion/ price comparison.
I know that healing times are different for everyone, but I would like to hear some peoples experiences. I have to have all my upper/ lower front teeth pulled, plus a couple of others. I've already had quite a few molers pulled over the years. The most I've ever had in one sitting is 3. I will be getting temp dentures the day of.I'm guessing we'll do the top first then bottoms.
So, how soon after mass extractions were you guys able to get back to normal? Talk? Will I need to take time off of school/work? I'm hoping to be able to get the work done on a Friday and get back to life on Monday. Is this realistic? I know I'm gonna be a mess before and I'm never happy when I can't eat, but if I can at least function it'll be easier to make the plans.
I have to admit that my vanity feels somewhat attacked. I wonder how it will be to look in the mirror with so many teeth missing. I know it's silly considering all the pain they cause now. They're not anything nice to look at either. I haven't smiled with my teeth showing in years.
Any feed back will be appreciated.:confused:
Hi Shiloh! I've been in your place. Had all my teeth (upper and lower) extracted July 7th, '10 and got immediate upper and lower dentures. As you said, everyone is different, but I had very little trouble. The first couple of days I talked strangely, but got the hang of it fairly fast. Eating wasn't too bad..I could handle softish foods..mac and cheese, ravioli etc. Don't know what sort of job you have, but unless you have to do a LOT of talking you should be fine to return to work on Monday. My biggest problem was excess saliva..I felt like a saliva making machine. LOL! I found ALWAYS having some water handy so I could take sips when the saliva started bothering me really helped.
I do have a journal here..feel free to browse it.

Should give you a good idea what you're facing. Trust me..it isn't that bad..and it's wonderful to be able to smile in public again! Good luck!! :)
Thanks, I'll check out that journal. See, I would have never guessed about the water!:thumbsup: