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apicoectomy tomorrow and pregnant! Experiences?



Junior member
Oct 13, 2011
Hi all, long time watcher but I hit a new level of scaring the hell out of my self with this, so now I'm posting for help...

I've run the gamut with bad teeth problems and as terrified as I may be, I'm more scared of having something wrong with my teeth than getting it fixed (if that makes sense) Cut to me now 6 months pregnant and with a big ol abscess in my gum in front a molar with a perfect looking root canal done 5 years ago that magically the root has started to dissolve away on (was told its either pregnancy related weirdness or a newer crown above occluding for a while causing trauma)

Anyways, last resort now is pull it (which I get dizzy just thinking about) and majorly expensive implant or apicoectomy. Being pregnant, I HAVE to do this as soon as possible before I hit the 3rd trimester (no dental work) and because infections in pregnant lady? No no. But, being pregnant, my normal handling of getting gas til I can't see straight (worked ok so far!) is a no go. No sedation, no gas, heck, no normal numbing agents! (they have epinephrine which is bad I guess os they use something else that wears of much quicker and doesn't work well. And I'm tough to get numb!) So long story not so short, I'm doing this with a not so great local and tears in my eyes. ANYONE who has had this procedure before, please give me your experiences. I could care less about swelling or pain after, its just while I'm in that chair. What should I expect? Thank you so much all who help.
No nitrous? That's just a bit mean I think. You should tell them that in the UK women suck on a nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture all through labour..:)
I work as a midwife - I use lignocaine 1% on my patients for episiotomy and suturing and there is no adrenaline in the local anaesthetics we use. It works well but I don't know how it will work in gums. Hopefully one of the dentists will answer.
Good luck tomorrow - you will be okay :)
lidocain with epi is routinely used in pregnant women. Lido w/o epi is generally contraindicated for dentistry as the life span is very short in the face and also results in higher systemic blood peak blodd levels
lidocain with epi is routinely used in pregnant women. Lido w/o epi is generally contraindicated for dentistry as the life span is very short in the face and also results in higher systemic blood peak blodd levels

You are maybe in the USA where some of them are just ridiculously scared of being sued - find a dentist who will use normal anaesthetic just as Comfortdentist no doubt would.
I am aware from browsing on dental forums that the safe treatment of pregnant women is one of those areas where everyone disagrees.

At the end of the day you are the dental patient and are entitled to comfortable timely care. How the heck is a little epi going to harm you, your body has it in massive quantities anyway?

So get the apico done by an endo who will use normal locals and you'll be fine as specialists are generally better at getting patients properly numb anyway.