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Dental experience created worry



Junior member
Nov 21, 2011
Hi all

I am a uk nhs patient and regularly visit my dentist. However over the past year I have developed a fear and concern with my teeth. In january 2011 I have tooth ache and took anti biotics for two upper teeth and then had them both filled. Then in June of this year I had pain and went to see my dentist. I need a root canal in my upper right mowler. The procedure was fine but I had much discomfort after. Upon X-rays and my continued discomfort I had a second root canal. I turok antic biotics again as I had a sinus infection. My second too canal seems to have been more successful than the first yet I still have a slight nagging feeling there. Sometimes my cheek feels almost hollow and my gums along the whole right side feel tender.

I cannot tell if I am anxious that the procedure has not been effective and that I will need th root remove or whether I am looking for pain! I have also been scaring myself with internet stories that have described infections that can lead to total tooth loss and in some cases death. Therefore I feel this is not really an effective outcome.

I was hoping thy someone could offer my advice or reassurance or if I should just discuss my concerns with my dentist.


Was the second root canal in the same tooth? Some NHS dentists don't have the time to devote to do root canals thoroughly, sometimes they lack the equipment and expertise as well, molar teeth are the hardest to do as they have multiple canals.

When you say take the root out? Do you mean apicoectomy? From my reading I wouldn't do apico unless I had tried a high quality root canal from an endodontist. The same endo should also be the one suggesting the apico. Apico is only appropriate in certain circumstances and is not the best course of action simply because a non-surgical root canal appears to have failed.

A root canal treatment removes the nerve and pulp from the tooth.

It could be that your tooth has one or more missed canals and that it needs a microscope to find it. The fact it has never felt right suggests this.

Sinusitis also can mimic toothache so maybe you just need to give it more time.
Good luck.

Re infection - swelling is a sign that something is badly wrong - it is highly unlikely you need to worry on that score since your dentist is willing to provide the antibiotics when indicated (you can also get antibiotics from your medical GP). Cases of death from dental abcess are extremely rare and usually only if swelling gets ignored by the patient. I doubt you would do that.
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I think if I were you, I would ask to be referred to a private endodontist for evaluation and possible re-treatment of the root canal system. They don't seem to be available on the NHS I'm afraid.
Thanks very much for your replies.

I had a root canal and crown the first time, then I went back as I had sinus pain and was given the anti biotics. It was still uncomfortable so my dentist xrayed and said he could see no other canals. He gave me two options which was to do the root canal again and he will widen them and fill it deeper or have an extraction. I opted for the second root canal and yeah, it's the same tooth. It really seems though that all my other teeth have been disturbed and have become tender with sore gums.

I take it I would be in major pain of something bad was happening with my tooth and that side of my mouth?

Well the trouble is and again this is from my own experience, because the tooth has had the nerve (or most of the nerve removed), it has to get quite serious before any pain is felt. I have found that pain registers in an adjacent healthy unfilled tooth and if an abcess has formed underneath sometimes the tooth feels higher and out of bite.

If it is a molar and it has been done without a microscope canals can still have been missed. If they all showed on x-rays endo would be much easier I guess. Endo with microscope is the best option tbh but expensive.
I've been reading however that people don't miss second molars that much in general. Is it a first or second one?
Its good and bad news really. You won't die but it must be a real pain being in limbo waiting for developments.
It's my first mowler :( I do have great confidence in my dentist but just don't want to be a pain. I think I'm just going to go back, try to ignore the embarrassment I feel about being a baby and ask him to take another look at it! I just have this horrible fear and anxiety of my teeth falling out and tbh it really takes up a lot of time worrying about it, so thank you I'm gonna be brave and book an appointment. I have a checkup in march but will bring it forward!
Definitely bring it forward and ask about seeing an endodontist. Ask if there are any NHS ones in your area - sometimes you can see them at Dental Hospitals/Schools.