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Natural ways to ease anxiety about extraction



Aug 4, 2015
I am booked in on Wednesday to have two teeth taken out and dentures fitted.
It needs to be done and I can't wimp out. I wanted to pay for concious sedation but we don't have the money and I'm currently able to get the treatment free due to maternity excemption so got to do it now.

Anyway the nerves are setting in. Pain isn't worrying me..injections in the mouth don't appeal but once they are in it shouldn't hurt I assume? Both teeth are broken (one is really only what's in the gum now) and no pain with them, before they broke to this point they offered root canal but I ignored it all and of course now in a worse position.

I'm worried about how long it will take. How I will feel after, I have six children and my husband will be about but obviously mum duties will be calling. How long will I feel pain for? Will I lisp with the denture? Would I need to use something like fixodent?
Will people be able to tell?

Is there anything natural and safe for breastfeeding that I can get in the UK to ease my stress? Also worrying as will be the first time I'm away from my youngest baby. He probably won't need to feed in the time I'm gone but still that worry and know he be on my mind
The good news is that extractions are one of the quickest procedures. Even when the fragments are below the gum lines. It's quicker to remove some shards and root than it is to carefully drill and place filling material in the socket.

Extraction recovery is different for everyone. I had full extractions (everything in my mouth) and I wasn't in any significant pain after - just tender. And ibuprofen dealt with that. If you are careful with your sockets (dont brush them, just rinse your whole mouth, don't chew food on that side of your mouth etc, don't use straws excessively) then you should be just fine. As you're not having sedation, you won't have any woozy after-effects. You'll probably find yourself a bit tender and swollen and that's all - maybe a bit emotional too, but that's normal also. It's a hard thing to go through.

The denture(s) may take a little while to get used to. But here is the important thing: you WILL get used to it. The first couple of days, it may feel like a huge lump of plastic in your mouth. It might be miserable. Depending on where the denture(s) is, it might make you lisp a bit. It might make eating feel awkward.

All of this goes away, I promise. Distract yourself while you're wearing it. Do normal household chores. Talk often. Sing along to music. Talk to your baby, to the pets, to the plants, furniture, whatever. :p Your tongue adjusts really fast, it's just a matter of getting through those first few days where it feels really strange!

Eat soft food for a few days after the extractions. Then try more difficult stuff. It will feel super strange. You might find your bite feels different. Just force your way through it. If your bite is super off, or if your denture(s) chafe and cause sore spots, call up the dentist and get them to adjust them for you. Otherwise, just keep at it! Chew slowly and carefully, and I promise it'll start to feel more natural in no time.

Wishing you the best of luck :)
Thank you I will keep all of this in mind.
One of them broke again this evening so I'm glad I'm booked in. Although it's one that's visible it's not too noticeable from the front but I would have to go into hiding if the other one went!

It's now broken so there is nothing at all that could be grabbed, all that's left is what is in the gum. Will this make it harder for them? Would it still be able to be done this week?
Just had a quick Google and some things saying it would have to be done under anaesthetic is that true?
Just want it done now I'm sick of winding myself up over it and worrying about what to eat
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This is a super late reply, but no, it's not harder to remove broken teeth, and doesn't need to be done under GA. They don't actually "pull" teeth, they have special tools they use to make leverage to wiggle the teeth out. Even when the gum grows over teeth (I had several teeth roots with gum grown over) it's still simple - they make a small incision. Gums are sturdy and heal fast.
i had a tooth that was broken at the gum line...they got it out...with just the normal local and they didn't need to do crazy stuff to get to what was left of the tooth.
And hey I had an implant...they didn't put me under for that either...it'll be ok. They even pull wisdom teeth with just a local if you want.

As far as natural anxiety relief I wear so much lavender oil it's ridiculous...the essential oil. I usually take these things called rescue remendy it's flower essence...you would have to check safety for breastfeeding though. I have been seeing my dentist 5 years now...i took two of those before an appointment and she asked me if I had taken a xanax I was so oddly calm. exercise helps too if you can find some time time for a walk or something...just getting the endorphins help.
My one friend had her wisdom teeth out while breastfeeding she chose tonpump n dump for 24hrs after...I am.not sure.if that was really needed or just something she was being super paranoid about because it was her first.

Only time I had much pain was if I bent over and picked heavy things up for a few days not terrible just an ache that reminded me of it... and you are kinda suppose to relax after an extraction. I'd plan out meals for the first 24hrs at least and prep as much of the stuff ahead or the whole meal... basically anything you can do ahead so you can rest more after I would do. It may not be needed so much but at least you'll be prepared in case you feel like you need to rest.
Well just an update for you..I did it ??
I was very nervous on the morning, dropped my baby to my friend which wasn't easy in itself as have never been apart before and got to the dentist with only a couple of minutes to spare. Was glad I didn't have to wait.

The dentist knew how nervous I was and was amazing. I've never had any dental work done before and was really surprised the injections didn't hurt at all. While they waited for them to kick in I really think I could have fallen asleep if they hadn't kept speakingto me. I felt so spaced out like I do when I'm in labour. Kept thinking about how easy I find having a baby and a tooth out can't be as bad surely!

nothing at all was painful, it was easier to get the totally broken tooth out than it was the other one. I felt/feel a bit upset about that one going as it's so near the front but it had to go.
Only took half hour for all of it to be done. The denture fits beautifully one side but the other side (more visible) is a poor fit so I'm going back in the morning to see if anything can be done sooner. They advised I would need new ones once my gum settle anyway but this just isn't right at all.

had no pain at all from the extraction sites, I took paracetamol when I left there just incase it hurt once the numbing wore off but have had no pain and as far as I can tell it's healing well.
Not really been able to eat but think that's more the poor fit..plus side is ive lost six pounds this week.:jump:
I am angry with myself for ignoring tiny holes years back and now having to be like this for the rest of my life, 31 seems to young for dentures. Will look into the cost of implants I think.
Dont think I'm cured of my fear at all, I hate being out of control and people in my personal space but I'm so glad it's done now.
Thats Great Malibu!! So awesome to hear. I hope they get you a good fitting denture, its hard when they don't fit right and they should... so hope you get that settled and glad things went well!!