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Infection? Abscess?



Junior member
Dec 24, 2017
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and I posted here yesterday. I'm not sure if anyone saw it so I'll try again. I'm in desperate need of advice or at least some form of comfort. My bottom left wisdom tooth has been crowning for about a year. It hasn't fully come in, and quite frankly I doubt it ever will as it looks crooked. Every so often I get some pain and swelling in that area, but it usually calms down within a few days. The pain and swelling has flared up again, but this time I went t Dr. Google and scared myself silly. I came to the conclusion that it's most likely pericoronitis, but if that's the case, that means an infection is present. I've been using my waterpik to remove any food from the hole (there's basically a crater since the tooth hasn't crowned fully) and I've attempted to irrigate underneath my gum in that area with it. I've also been swishing warm salt water around in my mouth. Today, the pain subsided considerably, and the swelling went down a tad. I decided to brush my teeth and irrigate before bed, and that's when things hit the fan. I accidentally bumped the area with my toothbrush and felt immediate pain, saw blood, and it immediately swelled up again. I don't know if I'm going crazy, but the swollen area feels like a squishy lump. Maybe it's just really swollen, or I have an abscess? I'm not sure. I've read my fair share of people dying from infections from teeth that spread through their bloodstream, so I think it's safe to say I'm pretty spooked. My mom is calling the dentist first thing tomorrow, but I have a terrible gag reflex and I know they're going to catch hell trying to x-ray me. I'm just really nervous. Does this sound like an infection or an abscess?
Hiyer, sorry you didn't get a reply. You could have a very bad gum infection - yes pericoronitis as wiki describes it - as food particles get trapped underneath the partially erupted gum\tooth/impacted area and bacteria proliferates without being able to be cleared properly.I was the same as you when I was younger and had intermittent low grade infections from the impacted wisdom tooth, I had one episode at 19 that was the most painful dental experience I've ever had for 2 weeks!I had bleeding, awful pain into the jaw and couldnt open my mouth properly, a horrible taste in the mouth and swelling. It sounds like a course of antibiotics could be in order to get rid of it quickly, although mine eventually resolved from salt water rinses and gentle massage.
OK, as for the 'people die from tooth/gum infections', those are infections which are left untreated for a long time and that is still very rare...where you read of them spreading to the eye and sinuses. You would have other symptoms and be running a temperature and generally very unwell with assorted problems. Don't panic, unless you have a compromised immune system, the human body is designed to fight infections. Get to the dentist today and let them just physically look and prescribe you something. Let me know how you get on. x
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As for the need for an xray, that may not be necessary at all, and they may not even try when you have a swollen gum and problems that the dentist can see with the naked eye. This is a fairly common problem for many younger people before the wisdom teeth come through properly and it could be that the dentist takes one look and knows what you need.
How did it go ?
Oh well........clearly all sorted as no coming back to reply.
Hi, so sorry! I actually forgot my password for a while , and the problem cleared up. Sorta. The pain went away , but I had a dentist appointment yesterday, they want to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth at the same time, AND I have the early stages of periodontal disease.... so my problems are never ending Haha. Maybe the swelling a few months ago was from my apparently early stage periodontal disease. I got a new waterpik yesterday , and I've been more conscious of my brushing. So here's to hoping I dont lose my teeth
Hi sorry, don't mean to high jack this forum. But I don't know where to put this. I'm new as well and I just found 2 holes in the back of my mouth on my gums. I'mma attached a pick (kinda graphic). It doesn't hurt, even when I press my tounge against it. But I think it's some type of gum infection. Can someone check this out please? (Will be going to dentest soon, just wanna know what to expect)


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Hey, not trying to alarm you or anything but you need to see a dentist or oral specialist asap and ask for an oral cancer screening. A painless sore in the mouth is an early sign with detection. Not saying that's what it is as I'm no dentist or medical expert by any means but they need to rule it out for your sake. Best of luck and please keep us updated. :clover: