• Dental Phobia Support

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Does dental fear also encompass other medical fears for others?



Aug 8, 2008
I've always been afraid of going to the dentist and I've put off going until some crisis propelled me into it, but I never admitted to myself that I had a dental phobia until I found this site and began to read other's posts. If anyone would care to share this information, does your dental phobia also spill over into other medical areas? I find excuses to put off yearly screenings and check-ups far longer than I should. I don't have a problem going to the doctor when I'm ill, though I prefer not to take medicines if I can avoid them because I usually fall into the small percentage of people who will have an adverse reaction if it's possible to do so.

I was just curious if I was the only dental/medical phobic or if there were others like me. I don't seem to have any other phobias at all. I can pick up spiders and snakes,dispose of mice, shut myself in a dark closet and not break a sweat,and even look over into a yawning abyss and not get dizzy. I've been through a couple of tornadoes and on a airplane with a mechanical problem, and have awakened to find the house on fire, and I've coped beautifully. So why does someone half my age in a white coat send my blood pressure up?

Perhaps finally facing my fear of one thing will help me get over my fear of others?
Oh I'm definitely not fond of doctors or hospitals! I can't say it's as bad as my dental phobia but it's up there and I find myself getting an upset stomach and my throat goes dry when I need to go to an appointment. I think most of my fear came from paranoia of my DOCTOR finding something wrong with my teeth especially during physicals. It's also because I don't want to find out something is wrong with me but then again a lot of people are like that.
I really dislike hospitals and the like, aswell as fearing the dentist..;)
I'm afraid of all medical and dental procedures. I don't like having needles stuck to any of my body parts! I think my dental fear is only one branch of my general medical fear. It doesn't stop me watching House, anyway! As long as I'm not their "victim"...
I have no fear of needles, hospitals or anything. No problems what so ever. I cope with the smells and all about it is fine. I even go to the gynecologist and have a nice time. I can take any injections - and have because I've traveled to Africa two times.

I cannot see a dentist's sign without freaking. I cry and panic. I freeze when someone mentions dentists and I can work myself up really far from just thinking about it.

So it doesn't have to be related at all. I would guess on the experiences you have. Or experiences you've been told about. I have no bad experiences at all from hospitals. My grandpa was in the hospital for years before he passed and we visited him there often. It was just nice and cozy visits. I have never been truly sick and have never been in the hospital myself... But I've been to the dentist - way to many times...

But I understand if it is related. It has many similarities.
Yes, I agree. If the fear comes from bad experiences with the dentist, and experiences of other medical procedures have always been good, the result is a pure dental phobia. If the bad experiences come from both dentists and doctors, or the underlying reason isn't past experiences at all, all medical procedures are just as bad.