• Dental Phobia Support

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“Nobody LIKES going to the dentist”

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Mar 5, 2021
Just curious how many of you have come across this phrase when you tell people you are terrified/anxious/fear going to the dentist?

I know I have. Some people I have met seem to wrongly equate the too and think this is enough to get you to i) stop avoiding and go, ii) not fear it?! ?

So... Just wondering what people’s experiences are toward how others treat their dental fear? And what they do or don’t find helpful?
Yes, I hear that a lot. They don’t seem to understand there’s a difference between not liking it and having a genuine phobia about it. I appreciate when people just acknowledge that my fear is real.
I've heard something similar to that. When I was telling a friend of mine that I don't want to have my wisdom teeth out, she told me, "Nobody wants to do it! You think I wanted to have mine out?" Like that's going to magically solve the problem and then I'll go and get them removed.

Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. People with genuine phobias don't snap out of it so easily and quickly. Because there is a difference. And while they say they don't want to do it, they'll still have it done anyway while people like me are sobbing and unable to call and schedule an appointment.
Right? There's a huge difference between "I really don't want to," and "I CAN'T."
Yes!! It makes you feel like there's something wrong with you, instead of the fact that a phobia is a genuine thing that many people struggle with....there isn't anything wrong with you at ALL, but hearing that sure makes you feel bad.
"Snap out of it"! "Get over it!" "It's not that big of a deal." On it goes.
I had a friend drive me to get a root canal once, and was terrified. When I got out, shaking & exhausted, she said, "Well, are you a big girl now?" I wanted to punch her. We don't need that kind of "help"!!
I don’t understand how anyone “likes it” what’s fun
@Molar_bear to me, all people are doing is reinforcing a notion in the anxiety sufferers head that the experience at the dentist will always be terrible.

Its kind of like saying (to me).... "Yeah, you dont want to go. You know itll be stressful and agonising. But hey, your whatever treatment will make it all magically better and your feelings will be all positive after".

It misses so many fundamental points of why people have the phobias in the first place, and it almost (hate to be blunt) but comes over in a sort of willy waving way....kind of like "well im alright at the dentist so why arent you? everyone should just cope like me".

I would really appreciate people just talking honestly, rather than in terms that do not help in any way.

How is being told "no one likes going to the dentist" going to HELP someone who is phobic of going? Likewise telling people "you cant feel a thing" or "Theres nothing to it" is not going to help either....clearly you CAN feel things...they dont have to be super painful but they can be painful like the sting of the needle everyone pretends doesnt exist, or even on a sounds level, the two just dont compute. How can you not be anxious with a loud drill in your mouth, having just been injected? its two completely opposing things....comfort and stress free doesnt come with needles, drills and things sucking in your mouth.

So i just wish people would talk with me honestly, openly, acknowledge i have a deep rooted fear but lessen that by telling me whats coming at every step of the process and for the love of god, do not belittle the phobia.

You cant shame someone out of a phobia
@MagicDuck12 this 100% . The dentist are not nice places at all even if you do find a dentist who’s nice ! I trusted a dentist and now my tooth’s turned black and now I am back too square one ! I can’t think of anything else but the treatment off dentist I just don’t understand it at all ?
I want mine all out as am okay with my denture at least I don’t have to worry so much .

I agree it’s like when women say smears don’t hurt 🥴🤣🤣🤣🤣, okay but they actually do they are vile .

For me even having my blood taken makes me cry and panic . Ask me of it hurts having a child yes it does !

Thanks for your words you have said it better than me