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13 teeth and immediate dentures fitted under sedation next week

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Junior member
Apr 22, 2016
next week i am having 13 teeth pulled under sedation and having top plated fitted. I have been scared of the dentist since i was little but the pain has got so bad im facing my fears. has anyone else had this done feeling sick about it all ready dentist didnt really explain it to me can anyone tell me what to expect
Well, if you're under sedation then you don't have to worry about suffering the extractions, so that's something. :)

They'll put the immediates on as soon as they are finished. It helps protect the sockets and helps the clotting. There may be bleeding when you wake up, but in my case I was too drowsy and relieved it was over to care.

You'll probably be given some painkillers (I was given paracetamol, ibuprofen, and codeine). I actually was in very little pain. I was more tender than anything else. If I poked my face it hurt, but I wasn't in agony, just a bit swollen and uncomfortable. It's still good to take painkillers even if it doesn't hurt that much, just to help with the swelling. I imagine they'll tell you to keep the denture on for 24 hours, which also protects the sockets, then take it off to clean it and gently rinse your mouth out, before putting it back in. If you can continue to wear it, do so, because that helps the gums heal in the right "shape". You should get a follow-up appointment very soon after for them to check and adjust the denture if needed.

Immediate dentures often do not fit well at first. That's because they have to guess what shape your gums will be without teeth. If you find yours doesn't fit well, or is too bulky, or is chafing, or you just plain hate it, *please* don't lose hope. They can readjust the denture as many times as needed to make it usable while you wait for your permanent one.

I won't lie, it's a tough adjustment at first. Your mouth will feel different, your tongue will be confused, you'll be constantly aware of it, and eating and talking will be a struggle. But it passes, I promise. My immediate wasn't brilliant, but it was usable, and I could eat with it in quite easily, and looked better than what I had going on before. Since I got my permanent denture, I haven't looked back. It might take a while, but it's worth it to have a healthy mouth and a nice smile.

Some more tips: don't examine the extraction sites in the mirror! They will look quite gory no matter what, but that does not mean there's any infections. The signs to watch for infections are an increase in pain and/or a fever. And if you do happen to get an infection (rare!) just call your dentist and they'll check you out and give you antibiotics. Also don't fret over dry socket. It's a very rare complication. Be gentle with your mouth for the first 48 hours (no smoking, no straws) and you'll be fine.

Protein drinks are a good way to avoid losing weight while you're recovering and struggling with solid food. And if you're struggling to eat with your denture, you can take it out to eat. Once your gums are mostly healed, you can try soft-solids (think mashed or boiled potatoes, well cooked broccoli, mince, that sort of thing).

Rest up and take it easy while you're recovering. Try doing things that will take your mind off it, watching films or reading, whatever you like. And if you feel miserable, *hang in there*. It really does get better!

You've done very well facing your fear. Just keep the end goal in mind. No more pain! You can do this :hug4: x
thank you for the reassurance and answering my questions will follow your advice. guess i just need to try and relax.
It's very scary. It's an unknown for you. You don't know how you'll feel when the sedation wears off, or a week from then, or a month. And it's a big change, too.

Please use this forum for any of your venting needs, or if you're worried about anything. That's what we're here for. And if you have any further questions, ask away. I (or someone else) will answer the best we can.

There's nothing you can really do to stop yourself being afraid. I was scared too. But like I said, keep an end goal in mind. For me, it was a smile that look nice, that I wasn't ashamed of. Whatever is most important to you, just focus on that. And be proud of yourself for taking this big step. You're doing really well :) x
Hi there :)

I've always had terrible anxiety about getting my mouth taken care of as well. But I can tell you, it's worth it. Just last Thursday I finally had my extractions done, every single tooth came out!

When I got to the dentist's office I was anxious and jittery during the wait, and once I got set up with the nurse I was so scared that I kept shaking and could barely speak to him. Odds are, you'll be in very good hands and the nurses and doctors involved will treat you with kindness and understanding :) You'll be taken care of.

I had never been under sedation before so I didn't know what to expect either. The nurse talked me through every step, explained everything he was doing, and inserted the needle (not bad at all, just don't look at it). When he put the sedation drug in the IV, it was a very odd sensation. I got dizzy, my vision became lightly static-y, I leaned back, and then woke up with everything over and done!!

Now, I can't say the very end was a pleasant experience. I'm sure many people have it easy, but in my case it was a bit of a mess. I did wake up crying, and then the entire car ride home I was bleeding and gagging to the point that I threw up. They say to keep your dentures in for a couple days but I had to take mine out after I got home because they hurt and gagged so badly.

My dentist agreed with me that it would be best to wait two weeks before trying the dentures in again, to let the gums heal some. I'm sure my dentures will need to be adjusted a great deal.

I'm not sure if my experience can help prepare you at all, but there it is lol I can't really comment on the denture front, but as far as actually getting into the office and getting the surgery over with...all I can say is, go for it.

It's always easy to look back and say 'I should've done this earlier', but before you've done it it's the hardest thing in the world. It is scary, but you can work through it! You're always stronger than you think. Just remember to take easy and stay focused on the positives you're looking forward to :)

Good luck!!
thank you for messages of reassurance and good luck my appointment is 4 oclock this afternoon, just want to get it done now but i am a bit sad about having dentures at 28. going to keep busy today hopefully not think about it too much.
I got mine at 25. You're not alone! It's better to have a healthy mouth than to have teeth that cause you nothing but pain and misery.

Good luck today!! I'm thinking of you :hug4: x
thank u all done now sedation didnt work in the end i knew everything that was going on but it really wasnt that bad all though i did scream a lot having the needles resting at home and smiling now so glad i did it
I'm sorry the sedation didn't work. Well done for going through with it without! I'm impressed.

Take it easy for your recovery :)