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28 years old - 20 years of neglected teeth... fear of abscess > fear of dentists - finally!

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the fearful one

Junior member
Feb 17, 2009
28 years old - 20 years of neglected teeth... fear of abscess > fear of dentists - finally!

I spent 20 years of neglecting my teeth and have suffered from tooth abscesses more times than I care.
I suffered from an abscess about a year and a half ago so search the internet for a dentist that deal with nervous patients - he wanted to pull out four of my teeth - I let him extract 3 although now I kind of wish I hadn't...
At the beginning of this year I went crawling back because I had pain again that was keeping me awake - he decided he wanted to extract another two teeth despite telling me one could be saved - I just thought you arsehole! - I took the antibiotics and didn't go back.
3 months later I get another abscess - in an act of desperation I try another dentist, he tells me he can save the tooth for a root canal and a filling costing me £300 (the previous dentist wanted to pull it for £200) he told me unfortunately he would have to extract the other one (£70 as opposed to £200) because it was broken as the gum line - I understand.

Today I went in for the first stage of the root canal - I was so scared I was I was prescribed diazempam.

Not only did I have the first part of the root canal done I also had my broken tooth extracted, it wasn't too traumatic... and I'm glad I changed dentists, I'm glad I did it - and although I will take the diazempam again (mainly because I don't like the drill) I am now looking forward to having all my teeth fixed. The first day of the rest of my life!

Also just to say the anaesthetic has more than worn off - and I'm suffering from no pain at all.

I urge people please go and see the dentist, it's not painful in the slightest, they're there to stop the worst pain you could imagine and if you're not happy with what your dentist suggests get a second opinion get a third opinion - don't wait for the abscess - it hurts - a lot!
Re: 28 years old - 20 years of neglected teeth... fear of abscess > fear of dentists - finally!

Well done going to the dentist, some sound advice about going to the dentist.

Even though I go to the dentist every couple of months, it is important to get teeth fixed as soon as possible, I had a few fllings and a root canal over the years but will never leave the problem, even though I dislike going to the dentist. teeth cannot repair themseleves

I have never asked for a 2nd opinion whether treatment is needed one way or another what will be best for the tooth.

I agree about abscesses my mum had one, she was in pain around her wisdom tooth about 25 years ago thankfully she had not once seen.
Re: 28 years old - 20 years of neglected teeth... fear of abscess > fear of dentists - finally!

Your story inspires me... thank you
Re: 28 years old - 20 years of neglected teeth... fear of abscess > fear of dentists - finally!

This is a great testimony! Thank you!!