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4 teeths out for 6 year old? or deep dentistry work...?

  • Thread starter Thread starter maren
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Junior member
May 3, 2013
dear all,
my 6 year old has been diagnosed to have loads of caries in his baby teeth. I'm so devastated, because we really tried our best with looking after his teeth, because me myself I've had so much dentistry done in my life, I was very keen to avoid it for him. he doesn't get fizzy drinks or many sweets. We brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste etc etc. However, I only just now learned about the not rinsing and the danger of snacking acidy foods/ juices (whick we always diluted, but they're off the menu now)
Anyways, the dentist says 4 bottom molars have deep decay and thinks it'd be better to pull them than to treat them. Can I please get your opinion on this? It seems so much to take out!! And the problems about the adult teeth not being guided in and the trouble this brings later??!
She said one tooth looks like it had an absess and that means the tooth is dead already - is this really the case?
The other teeth, she reckons will prob need a metal cap on it, which might make it last til his new teeth come, but might not. She also raises that if left they might infect the adult teeth coming through. Is this correct?
She did the first bit of repair work the other day on his front teeth and my son was very patient and not phased at all! The next appointment she's going to tackle some caries at the back top which will require anesthetics so I guess that is when we'll see how he's going to cope...
Please advise, thanks Maren
Hi Maren
I am not a dentist but if you have any doubt whatsoever whether this treatment is necessary then get a second opinion. This would be particularly relevant if you were a Medicaid patient in the USA where there has been a lot of fraud(unnecessary treatment) uncovered recently.

When you say anaesthetics what do you mean exactly? Local anaesthetic injected or i/v sedation/GA?
Also is this dentist your trusted family dentist? That would make a great difference to how much confidence I would have as a parent in their treatment plans.

If the teeth are indeed severely decayed then as baby teeth (which resorb anyway) extraction probably is a better option since it is quicker to do than restoring them but if they are saying nearly all his teeth are affected and need crowns then I would be suspicious of this and think that many could likely be monitored and only treated (when child older iyswim?) if any problems arise.
If it is only the four molars under discussion and extraction is being recommended over crowns then I would think this is the kinder quicker approach.
Certainly in UK the approach with kids is less is more. At age 6 so long as the dentist has painless techniques, he may well be able to cope so long as he likes and trusts her. It would be wise for you also to be in the treatment room with him and if she objects to this, you may want to go elsewhere. Do not sign any consents for him to be restrained during treatment (this is not even allowed in most countries e.g. UK but is alas in USA if you consent).

It is not the end of the world that he might lose a few baby teeth early so please do not beat yourself up about this. Your cleaning regime sounds much better than mine was with my kids. You did your best and the second adult teeth will be a whole fresh start.
Best wishes.
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