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67, but first time I've shared endless, endless chronic obsession with anyoine



Junior member
Jun 14, 2015
67, but first time I've shared endless, endless chronic obsession with anyoine

Hi all. Brand new here so please forgive me if I go over covered ground.
I'm 67 and been wearing partial dentures for 40 years. For some reason, about a year ago, I was standing in the bathroom and thought "what if I started worrying about how my dentures fit."
That was all I needed to get started and now, a year later, it's ALL I can think about.
And it's not bad, but I do have little twinges of pain in one spot, perhaps 10 times a day for not even a second.
I go to the U. of Penn and they try things but I think my veteran mouth is just gone enough to do this.
But my problem is I dread the twinges, and then when there are no twinges, I anticipate the twinges and get more nervous and then every twinge-wait cycle cranks me up more and more.
Then when I take the partials out at night, I immediately start worrying about how it's going to be tomorrow when I put them in.
And, for some reason, I just will not take the lower out, where the twinges are because I feel, like I do about this whole thing, that I am weak, weak, weak and if I were just normal I wouldn't obsess over this.
So ok, my first spilling the beans of my life wasn't so bad. Anything anybody can say or suggest would be like sweet water to a parched man. Thanks so much.
Re: 67, but first time I've shared endless, endless chronic obsession with anyoine

Welcome! Congratulations for being open about what you are going through - it seems quite dreadful. Have you spoken with your dentist about these twinges? I have almost constant pain somewhere in my mouth but I am feeling positive that now that I am being treated together we'll be able to rid me of it. I have noticed that the more I think about it the more I feel it. My husband, particularly this past week since it has been so rough, is very good at distracting me. I'm sorry I'm not more help. Please keep posting though - I've found it very helpful.
Re: 67, but first time I've shared endless, endless chronic obsession with anyoine

I have had a similar mind thing going on, I choked while eating a year or more ago, and from then on I couldn't swallow properly, I just thought about it CONSTANTLY... I lost weight, I just couldn't eat unless someone was in the room with me (my husband)... it was horrible.
I just hope that mentioning it again won't bring it back to me! YIKES...

I don't know how I got past it, I wish I could offer some advise.
Re: 67, but first time I've shared endless, endless chronic obsession with anyoine

I would suggest going to a doctor and exploring the possibility of an anxiety disorder.