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76Hr Post Op Wizzie Extraction - Petrified of dry socket and also eating



Junior member
Dec 11, 2024
Hello, Advice for a super anxious person greatly appreciated.

I had my lower left wisdom tooth removed through emergency dentist on Sunday at 3pm, was really anxious cried through the whole thing but managed to actually get the tooth extracted. I had two shots of anaesthetic in my jaw and the tooth came out within 2 minutes, however it did break but the dentist managed to get the other root out. Minimal bleeding, bit on gauze for 2 hours after and barely any bleeding after this.

I thought the worst was over until I found out about dry socket, The fear of this seems to be worse than the actual removal?
Ive been on a liquid diet since Monday due to fear of eating even soft foods. No stitches were given and the hoe does seem to be getting smaller and whiteish skin or something?? my mouth is slowly feeling better a general soreness but I'm still so anxious about getting it. I daren't eat solid foods but managed to rip up some bread into tiny pieces in some soup today and that's as far as ive gone. When are you most likely to develop dry socket? and when can I stop worrying??

Ive also been following post op care pretty well salt water rinse (just sat in mouth) and letting drool out 5-8 times a day, brushing teeth gently (not near extraction site) twice daily and drinking plenty of water too onto of liquid diet, sleeping elevated. Ive also been taking Vitamin C and Magnesium. The only problem is I smoke and have done for the past 15 years so found this really hard. I didn't smoke for the first 24 hours but by day 2 could not wait any longer, I know smoking poses a risk to dry socket but with light pulls and rinses after.

Tomorrow will be day 4 after extraction, will I still be at high risk of dry socket? Thanks in advance!!!
You're miles past the risk of dry socket. Go back to eating normally and forget about it.
Thank you so much for replying Gordon! Doing the lords work! My mind feels a little more at rest and mouth also feels better again today! Finally managed some scrambled eggs today! :)