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8 days after molar extraction... infected, and still a throbbing ache.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron1987
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Junior member
Oct 4, 2020
Milton keynes
Hey all,
Looking for some reassurance.
I’ve had 3 tooth infections in the last 12 months (all different teeth). All treated with Metrodinazole.
8 days ago I had an upper molar removed after the dentist couldn’t do a root canal. I’m on painkillers and mostly the pain and aching are okay, but they come in waves and are intense.
I went back 3 days ago and the dentist cleaned the socket up and give me yet another 5 days of metro.
I don’t yet see a difference in the ache that radiate from this socket in 3 days so am wondering whether I’m now resistant to this antibiotic.
I also have a ache that is seemingly always there above the extraction is my cheekbone.
I suffer from health anxiety so am naturally worried these infections could be something more sinister.
I don’t know if what I’m going through is normal as my NHS dentist is quite dismissive when I ask questions.
She said infections from molar extractions are quite common but I’m seeing nothing that corroborates this anywhere.
I’ve followed all post extraction advice completely.
Can anyone please advise.
Chances are that the metronidazole has killed off all the bugs that are vulnerable to it, but there may be some other ones around. A different antibiotic which targets those bugs might be better. Any of the penicillins would work fine.
I’m allergic to penacillen ?
There are plenty of alternatives. Metronidazole specifically targets Gram negative bacteria. So you want one that targets Gram positive.
My kids are allergic to amoxicillan so they usually prescribe omnicef.