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A few wisdom tooth questions

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Junior member
Aug 12, 2017

I am 20 years old, turning 21 soon. Around a year ago I had my first wisdom tooth coming through. It was quite painful (in a dull ache kind of way) as it came through the gum but it eventually settled and the pain subsided after it came through. Now I am having another wisdom tooth directly underneath (lower side) coming in and it is just as painful, maybe more so. Neither are impacted in any way have come in straight. It seems as though there is enough room in my mouth/gum for the teeth to come in.

But in doing so, it looks as though both of my new wisdom teeth have made the molars directly in front go quite crooked/turn inwards. Will this likely be the only aesthetic damage or could it cause more crookedness elsewhere in my mouth? I had braces as a teenager and they did a wonderful job so I'd hate to see it undone. Although I have also heard that having wisdom teeth extracted can cause teeth to move too?

If I need them extracted, that is. Once the gum pain comes away from them coming in they seem to fit OK.
Hi :welcome:to the forum.

I would go and see a dentist and get them to have a look and take an x ray. It is best to be checked out because sometimes things happening under the gum can be a problem. A lot of people have the wisdom teeth removed without it causing any problems with teeth moving.

If the dentist thinks these can be left without causing problems then I wouldn't worry but if they advise them removing it is better done sooner than later. :butterfly:
Hi :welcome:to the forum.

I would go and see a dentist and get them to have a look and take an x ray. It is best to be checked out because sometimes things happening under the gum can be a problem. A lot of people have the wisdom teeth removed without it causing any problems with teeth moving.

If the dentist thinks these can be left without causing problems then I wouldn't worry but if they advise them removing it is better done sooner than later. :butterfly:

Thank you, I'll have to pluck up the courage and go then. :/