• Dental Phobia Support

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A life of dental hell ended today



Junior member
Mar 23, 2021
I am in my early 30s and had 18 teeth extracted 15hrs ago. Already I am smiling on the inside because I know that my anxiety can be laid to rest. I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder in my late teens that is essentially crappy teeth. I was told that I had very thin soft enamel and that there wasnt much that could save me from the curse. This took place at my first ever dental appointment, we were poor and never had insurance. I had been grinding my teeth my whole life in my sleep and clenching during the day, and one night I woke up to pain and something large and hard in my mouth. My tooth had broken off at the gum line and was now sitting in my mouth. So my parents had no choice but to take me to the dentist. He basically told my parents that without insurance the cost to fix my existing problems and to do preventive treatment on the rest would cost more than they made annually combined. So I laid back in the chair and after a handful of shots he couldnt numb me and sent me home believing I possibly had an infection that was causing the agent not to work effectively. After a course of antibiotics I tried again, and again was sent home because he couldnt numb me. So off to a specialist I went, while my parents freaked out over the expense. The specialist couldnt numb me, so I was scheduled for sedation the following week. My parents were charged $300+ for the failed visits. And it was more than $500 to sedate me and surgically extract the tooth. The rent was not paid that month. Awhile later I started having pain everywhere and was told I had to wait until I could afford dentistry on my own because they simply couldn't help financially. So upon the arrival of adulthood, I made my way to the dentist. A plan was mapped out that included fillings, root canals, crowns and bridges as well as a bite guard and physical therapy for tmj. $24000 after insurance. During my first visit I of course could not be numbed and was asked about previous issues with locals. I told them about my previous extraction experience, as well as having my pointer finger cut off as a child and could also not be numbed for the cleansing and attachment and several bad experiences with feeling stitches. So he tried a different kind of local to no avail and said that I obviously had a problem not related to nerve location, but to anesthetic agents not working as they should on me. So I was referred to a dentist that sedates for dental work. Adding $3000 to the cost of treatment when all was said and done. Fast forward, root canals failed. Second root canals performed and failed. Apecoectomies performed at extreme cost. Fast forward some more, apeco's start to fail. More teeth extracted, partial dentures placed where bridges cant be. Crowns need replaced, bridges need replaced. I'm now in $41000. And I break another tooth at the gum line. After exam and xrays dentist says I need a treatment plan that will run me another $14000 to replace new gap and repair other damage and more preventive treatment. So I said enough's enough. So dentures I chose. I still have 6 bottom front teeth but that's it. My worries that I woke up every day to are now behind me. The pain, the cost, it's all I could focus on daily for almost 20yrs. I woke up from surgery with an aching mouth and what felt like a dislocated jaw ( as stated local agents dont affect me so I didnt wake up numb) also as stated I have tmj that over the years has gotten worse and opening my jaw often pops it out of place). This is typical for me, not for you. I had immediate dentures seated immediately after 18 extractions and some kind of jaw bone and gum shaving. They look pretty decent but the teeth seem small and rather than being completely straight up and down from my gumline like my natural teeth they appear to angle inward slightly towards my tongue which I find odd. My tongue seems to find It odd too. I cant safely take pain meds other than tylenol due to other medications I take but so far so good. My swelling is pretty bad but could be worse and bruising is starting to become evident from my jawline up to my eyes but still nothing too bad. The main complaints I suppose is all the blood and the fact that I'm very hungry but Cant open my mouth due to jaw issues. Meal replacement shakes will be my saving grace until I can fit a spoon in my mouth for soup or similar foods with soft or liquidy consistencies. Also. The pallet part of my denture feels like it is pressing very hard against my pallet in an attempt to work it's way to my nose or brain. That is weird and uncomfortable. Until tomorrow! Hope you like my story of woe.
Whoa, I have to tell you - what happened to you is just awful. Especially having to come through all of those procedures and expenses and end up with dentures anyway.
You are so brave, I cannot even express it. Especially since you can't be numbed for the procedures. I cannot imagine how hard it was for all those years.
But hey, now it's all in the past ^^ I've heard that dentures can take some time to fit to someone's mouth, especially if they are immediate ones and you're still swollen after surgery. But this will pass, and soon you'll be enjoying your painless life! :)
I want to ask - what is the genetic disorder called and how did you get diagnosed with it? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to)
Amelogenesis imperfecta hypoplasia or simply AI type 4
It was diagnosed by my dentist by him looking at my teeth and xrays then back at my teeth. Then he started moving a small UV light around behind all of my teeth and scraped at them a bit. Then he asked if anyone in my family had bad dental problems and my dad had been a denture wearer since his early 20s. Then he told me he believed I had this disorder. After I started seeing a specialist years later he told me I definitely have this inherited disorder and to watch out for future childrens teeth.
My swelling is at its worst today. My face doesnt even look like my face anymore it's so swollen. I'm upset that I wasted all those years in agony spending tens of thousands, but dentists had me TERRIFIED of getting dentures. My maxillofacial surgeon was the only doctor I had that actually seemed happy about my decision even though I've been padding his wallet for years. Hes a big goofy guy that always found a way to make me laugh. I'm glad my hell is over. Even swollen. Even in bad pain. Even being very hungry and incapable of eating. I Have no regrets. I dont have to survive off of anxiety meds anymore because the source of my anxiety is now nonexistant. I haven't been able to eat anything harder than what is considered 'soft food' in so many years due to fear of breaking teeth. I know my life is going to be very well improved. If I can make it through all that I did, just dealing with the awful hand i was dealt, then anyone can make it through anything. Thank you for calling me brave. I never felt brave. I just did what I had to do.