As I said, there appear to have been mixed reviews about the system, so I'd suggest checking out some of forums specifically for denture wearers and getting their opinions. Here's some things that dentists have said about it:
"I think long-term, you need the hard palate for support or you're going to be overloading the residual alveolar ridges. If there were really such a simple solution as ultra suction dentures, you wouldn't see patients going for surgery and implants. I think it's more of a marketing tactic than anything else."
Ultra-Suction aka
Swiss Lock System is different as it creates a vacuum chamber and uses a one-way air valve to extricate air in the chamber. Very dependant upon ridge form, tissue quality, impression, and bead line border.
Then theres that thing about cancer which I cant substantiate but none the less, dont want to get involved with.
I did 3 cases here and had 1 success before steering clear. 33% success rate just doesnt hack it for me."
"The main problem was : not increasing retention enough.."
In other words - I would investigate this a bit further before getting my hopes up too high. Best to hear it from the horse's mouth though and ask people who've actually tried it