Former Member
Back in May i broke a molar in half, it took me 8 weeks (or until the pain was so bad!!) for me to see a dentist. I sat in the chair and i was so terrified he refered me to a sedation clinic. After an initial consultation with the clinic the dentist said i'd need the molar out PLUS 2 wisdom teeth as they had massive holes in them, but i refused that (for some reason!).
The day arrive and i was so scared. I sat in the chair and for 5 minutes (maybe less) i freaked out. I calmed down a bit and i went ahead with the IV Sedation and the extraction.
Having the sedation i now know there was NOTHING AT ALL TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT. I had no side effects at all, apart from face ache for about 2 weeks.
Now, heres the problem. I am suffering with tooth pain ALL over my mouth, almost every tooth is either broken OR have massive cavities in, but since i caused a "fuss" before having the proceedure done, that clinic has no refused me any more treatment. I am in agony 2 weeks before christmas, anyone has any suggestions!?
Back in May i broke a molar in half, it took me 8 weeks (or until the pain was so bad!!) for me to see a dentist. I sat in the chair and i was so terrified he refered me to a sedation clinic. After an initial consultation with the clinic the dentist said i'd need the molar out PLUS 2 wisdom teeth as they had massive holes in them, but i refused that (for some reason!).
The day arrive and i was so scared. I sat in the chair and for 5 minutes (maybe less) i freaked out. I calmed down a bit and i went ahead with the IV Sedation and the extraction.
Having the sedation i now know there was NOTHING AT ALL TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT. I had no side effects at all, apart from face ache for about 2 weeks.
Now, heres the problem. I am suffering with tooth pain ALL over my mouth, almost every tooth is either broken OR have massive cavities in, but since i caused a "fuss" before having the proceedure done, that clinic has no refused me any more treatment. I am in agony 2 weeks before christmas, anyone has any suggestions!?