• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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After 10 years, I finally did it!

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Junior member
Jan 11, 2024
United States
Hi all,

I wanted to post here because this forum helped me so much in the past few months to get over the initial hurdle and see the dentist. I hadn’t been to one in 10 years (I’m 29, so not since high school). To make matters worse, when I was a kid I had a horrible experience with braces and an infected tooth. The last time I went to the dentist was to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth out. After that, I put it off because the of fear of pain and social anxiety (making the appointment for me is the hardest part). I put it off so long that a wire on my permanent retainer broke like 5 years ago and my teeth shifted slightly over the years. I was too scared to get it looked at. It felt like I’d be putting off taking care of my teeth for the rest of my life.

Over the years, I’ve had breakdowns because of my teeth. The last time I scheduled an appointment, I had a panic attack the day of and canceled. I recently talked to my primary care doctor about my anxiety, and she put me on a medication (I had never taken anxiety meds before, so that was scary too!) and about 2 months ago I found this blog. However, the anxiety of waiting so long and the fear of the unknown state of my mouth kept me from making an appointment until another part of my retainer broke about 2 weeks ago. I was freaking out, had a panic attack and was so scared to call a dentist. At night I was clenching my teeth and because they were now shifting from the newly broken part of my retainer & it hurt so bad. I’d wake up in the middle of the night from the pain and it would just feed my anxiety.

The worse part was I kept all this to myself - didn’t tell my boyfriend, parents or roommate what I’ve been struggling through. I was literally torturing myself from anxiety. Once the pain started, I had no choice. I asked my roommate about her dentist and called to set up an appointment with them (I cried as soon as I got off the phone with them). They got me in the next week to get checked out. I wasn’t expecting even a cleaning or anything - just an xray and for the dentist to tell me the worst.

The night before the appointment, I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep (maybe 4 hours?). The entire morning I was dizzy (this happens when I get anxious), nauseous, could barely eat and felt horrible but I was determined to not back out this time, even if I broke down in the freaking office. I told my roommate what I was going through (she was so supportive) and that I wouldn’t be able to drive if I took my meds, so she dropped me off and picked me up.

When I got there, they took me back for X-rays, then because of cancellations they were able to get me in for a cleaning that day and I saw my dentist. He was literally so nice!! He asked how long it’s been and I was so embarrassed and said high school. He didn’t even bat an eye. He said for 10 years, you’re doing great- only 1 cavity. I literally wanted to cry, I had built up this whole thing in my head and was assuming the worst- root canals, the whole 9-yards. He even talked to me about aligners for my teeth and we set up the next appointment for my cleaning and my alignment consultation. He also took out my very broken retainer which was doing nothing for me, and filled the cavity all in the same 30 min! In total I spent about an hour and a half there.

I can’t even tell you the weight that’s been lifted off my shoulders. I literally cried when I got home. I can’t wait to finally sleep tonight. If you’re even hesitating because of anxiety and fear- don’t think and just do it! Also I highly suggest that you tell them you’re anxious. I know some offices will prescribe meds to folks, but my primary care doctor was able to as well. These meds literally changed my life and helped me get through this experience. If you’re like me, reading this forum and wonder if you’ll ever be able to make that step- remember, the first step is always the hardest but YOU are worth it.