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age 40, will get full dentures, unerupt horizontal wisdom tooth not causing prob, should leave it alone?

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Sep 30, 2023
Hi, I'm 40, have advanced gum disease, my remaining teeth will eventually all come out due to bone loss and mobility, and I will have to get full dentures. estimate I probably have a year or so left before the bone loss get bad to the point extraction.

Basically my upper and lower molars are out, it was bone loss, abcess and mobile grade 3, that is alot of loose when it comes to grade 3, it was not save-able, not with advanced gum disease.

I however have ONE problem. I have a bottom wisdom tooth that is NOT erupt at all, like completely below the gum, and from the X-ray, it clearly can be seen it grow horizontally. It not giving me any problem at all, and I'm at the age 40, and it not pushing against the second molar as second molar has been extracted.

Yes, I'm scare because "horizontal" wisdom tooth that not erupt will required to cut open my gum, and dig through the bone, break it and get it out, and there complications such as nerve damage.
I prefer just leave it alone, until it cause me problem.

My question is, at the age 40, usually the wisdom tooth will stay put as is right? I mean nobody know the future, but there are chances it will stay put, yes?
And at my age 40 right now, I'm just worry about surgery on this horizontal wisdom tooth.
My question is, at the age 40, usually the wisdom tooth will stay put as is right? I mean nobody know the future, but there are chances it will stay put, yes?
Maybe, more likely as the bone shrinks back after the extractions the wisdom tooth will become exposed at the new gum level. But then it's a pretty straightforward extraction case.