LANAP Part 2 is finished.
This side was way more intense than the other side because this is where all the big pockets dwell. There is one on the lingual side of #15 that is 11mm.
Hopefully LANAP will do its thing and reduce that down by at least 50%. My mouth was mildly sore after the right side. My mouth was very sore after the left. Oy. There was some serious digging going on. Very nice of the doctor to call me at home later in the evening to make sure I was okay.
He said the left side was interesting. (That's always a potentially dangerous comment.
) Some teeth had almost no calculus, others had a metric ton, and several had small bits of calculus that were practically welded to the tooth. Very difficult to remove. But they are gone, gone, gone. He said I have basically had a whole mouth disinfection process between the lasers, the DEEP cleaning, the oral antibiotics, and the chlorhexidine. He also adjusted my bite on the left side.
I wondered why he needed to adjust the bite when every time I get a restoration the dentist checks it and I don't have any high spots. What they are doing is taking away the heavy occlusion. His assistant explained that when the teeth are locked in for chewing they have a pretty tight lock if all is as it should be. That chewing motion is rocking the teeth in the sockets. If you have healthy gums, no problem. But with perio disease the weakened perio structure can't take the rocking. It literally starts to loosen the teeth even more in the sockets. I also asked why some teeth have a 3-6-3 perio score. He said the larger number is where the occlusion is so heavy that the force is making a bad situation worse.
My bite feels a whole lot .... lighter? My teeth still meet and mesh and if you look at the you couldn't tell where anything was removed, but there is definitely a difference in a good way.
The right side which was done 2 weeks ago? I thought there was thrush. WRONG. Apparently it was just gunk from not being able to brush that side. Clearly I never went to dental school. Clearly.
I thought the gum tissue on the right side looked sorta anemic. Too pale. Apparently that is what healthy gum tissue looks like. Who knew? *facepalm* He said the right side looked just as it should at this stage of healing. GOOD NEWS. Now I need the left side to follow suit.
I can now start careful brushing on the right side. No flossing. Left side is now off limits. Chlorhexidine continues. Another course of doxycycline. Liquid diet for 3 days. This time I don't think that's going to be much of a problem because I REALLY don't feel like chewing.
I have my fingers crossed that this will finally get me some control of the perio problems!