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Another infection and extraction ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SallyUK
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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2011
I can’t believe I am writing this. I have another infection and tooth extracted after a course of antibiotics. It’s an upper back molar whose crown fell off in September and dentist was in two minds whether it could be saved. He covered the root with a temp filling. In the meantime my crowned canine tooth and incisor next to it got an acute infection and I had various treatments and due an extraction soon. We were going to decided about this molar after. Well it’s decided for me.

I’m terrified of medicine reactions, the penicillin I had last time made me feel awful and was told I was sensitive to it so I opted not to get that again and have been given erythromycin but still terrified I will get anaphylaxis from taking the first dose! Anxiety is high and feeling totally vulnerable. I saw another dentist at my practise this morning and she couldn’t have been nicer and said the infection can make you feel vulnerable anyway and that the jaw pain was also connected to infection, the nerves etc. That was interesting as I had similar pains just before the last infection....thought it was all due to clenching, but maybe not.

She said it wouldn’t numb so need the antibiotics before taking out and I was almost disappointed she didn’t take it out there and then, can’t believe I wrot that but I’ve had enough. She said removing the tooth will reduce the bacterial load, many crowns on that side and I am now thinking they are all at risk......I should be ok to eat without this back tooth, but she said it’s a shame as I have a lot of bone there, don’t know what that means.... and that he tooth next to it should be ok, although infection edging towards it as well. The canine is due to be removed....at this rate this top left quadrant will be empty soon.

I just want all this to stop, feels like everything failing all at once and my body taking a bashing. Will hear back from my own dentist on Monday as to when he wants to take this tooth out. I was terrified of the canine extraction but a back molar seems even more scary :(
Oh SallyUK, I am so sorry! What a blow, on top of everything else you are dealing with.
I had my upper back left molar extracted, as the infection never went away after the root canal. It was actually a pretty easy procedure and recovery, and I don't miss the tooth like I thought I would.

I hope you do okay with the antibiotics, and they do not make you sick. Make sure ro take a probiotic, but you probably have already planned for that.

So sorry again. I know how it feels to feel as if it is all piling on you at once.
Oh SallyUK, I am so sorry! What a blow, on top of everything else you are dealing with.
I had my upper back left molar extracted, as the infection never went away after the root canal. It was actually a pretty easy procedure and recovery, and I don't miss the tooth like I thought I would.

I hope you do okay with the antibiotics, and they do not make you sick. Make sure ro take a probiotic, but you probably have already planned for that.

So sorry again. I know how it feels to feel as if it is all piling on you at once.

Really appreciate your response and this board in general, can feel so lonely sitting with dental issues and fear! Good to hear your extraction was ok, I really would have been happy she did this on the spot. I wanted to save the tooth initially because the molar beneath will become redundant and to be honest I won’t have enough teeth left to chew - well that’s an exaggeration but the truth is I have so many crowns which may fail I was willing to keep it or at least try.

I thought of you and the abcess infection question, I think low level infection on restored teeth can be present and I know it was in this tooth, no doubt my immune system couldn’t hold it back as well as deal with the other one. I did wonder by leaving it this long, 3 months, I would end up losing it with no choice to restore. The front teeth were the priority I guess.

I feel so defeated I almost feel calm and resigned to worst case scenario, which is loose this molar and the two front one. Maybe that’s a good mental position, I just want this over. I’ve started the antibiotics and yes, a probiotic but I’m online now ordering some more stronger ones. I’m not happy to have to have them, I hadn’t taken or needed any in 20 yrs Thanks again x
Really appreciate your response and this board in general, can feel so lonely sitting with dental issues and fear! Good to hear your extraction was ok, I really would have been happy she did this on the spot. I wanted to save the tooth initially because the molar beneath will become redundant and to be honest I won’t have enough teeth left to chew - well that’s an exaggeration but the truth is I have so many crowns which may fail I was willing to keep it or at least try.

I thought of you and the abcess infection question, I think low level infection on restored teeth can be present and I know it was in this tooth, no doubt my immune system couldn’t hold it back as well as deal with the other one. I did wonder by leaving it this long, 3 months, I would end up losing it with no choice to restore. The front teeth were the priority I guess.

I feel so defeated I almost feel calm and resigned to worst case scenario, which is loose this molar and the two front one. Maybe that’s a good mental position, I just want this over. I’ve started the antibiotics and yes, a probiotic but I’m online now ordering some more stronger ones. I’m not happy to have to have them, I hadn’t taken or needed any in 20 yrs Thanks again x

Anytime you need to vent or just need support, feel free to message me as well. I understand what you are going through. If it makes you feel better, my oral surgeon, endodontist and dentist all assured me that the top back molar was the best one to lose, as it doesn't usually impact the one below it. The oral surgeon said that supereruption usually happens when a lower molar is extracted, but he doesn't usually recommend implants for the upper back. If you still have your first molar next to it, you will find that the end of that tooth hits the end of the bottom 2nd molar, so it helps the tooth stay "active". That is how my oral surgeon explained it, and I found it to be true with mine, even though my first molar had part of it shaved off for the crown on the extracted tooth.

I am coming to terms with the fact that I will eventually lose my front tooth. If the apico fails, it will be soon. If it worked, it isn't guaranteed to last, and will probably have to come out later on. If I can have it last 5 more years, even, maybe I can save up for an implant.

I am at the same point as you...I just want my life back. I want to stop having pain and surprises with my teeth. Losing a tooth is devastating, but you get to a point where you want to be healthy again.
So sorry to hear this, Sally - you really are having a rough ride. I really hope this is the end of it for you and you can catch a break soon.

FWIW, I am missing lower molars on both sides, and until recently when I got the flexible partial denture had nothing in the gaps. My other teeth have not shifted at all, and I had no issues with eating. (I do have my wisdom teeth, which maybe helps.)
Rant warning: Really struggling with anxiety this morning. Irrational thoughts and fear. I’m actually scared of infection and it never going and what does that even mean.

It’s been three months since an infection started between my two front teeth, which a root canal on one didn’t quite heal and now dentist will remove the other and hope that cures the infection. He has told me that the worse case scenario is that I will loose both teeth but I can’t stop worrying there is infection deep in my jaw or bone now as it’s gone on so long, these thoughts started because I got another infection in a back molar on that side. There is logic to that as well, the crown had come away and the tooth quite broken down, I was due to have it root filled or extracted but the other issue came up, so it’s been waiting with a temp covering on it, so it makes sense that is would flare up, this will be extracted too.

I’m just scared of these infections, I hate the thought there might be more infection undetected, I don’t know if this is possible, it just feels overwhelming. I have also had quite bad jaw pain on and off for a year or more with that entire row of upper teeth hurting, I thought this was due to clenching and maybe it is, but my worry head says it might have been undetected infection. I’m losing faith in my dentist, which I think is wrong but that’s just how I feel. I’m sure this is just part of having heavily compromised teeth and what can happen when they bite the dust.

I do know that root filled and crowned teeth can get infections and it’s hard to know if you have no nerve but this has never happened to me. I’ve had abcess before and it’s felt very local, resulting in a root canal and I have had decay under a crown that felt deep and aches and the crown has been placed. I’ve never had a more diffuse infection involving gums, jaw pain and antibiotics and I’m not dealing with this very well, scaring me.

I’m sure it’s normal and the dentist will remove the teeth and it will all clear up but I’m struggling as this has been going on a while. It’s kicked off health anxiety and a fearful response that I’m not being taken care of. Completely irrational but I am really struggling to stay on the side of feeling safe and relax until extractions. Aaaargh ?

Currently on day three of antibiotics for the back molar, the tender gums around it have resolved, left with a deep ache today and much less burning in my jaw and cheek, which is what I had on Friday when I went for emergency appointment. Maybe it wasn’t muscle pain from clenching all along, maybe it was this tooth flaring. I just want out of this pain and fear inducing uncertainty. I keep trying to tell myself it will be ok, I’m safe, in good hands and my anxiety is blowing this up into feeling dangerous when it’s not, but my little girl in me is still terrified and winning. This is exhausting, the actual dental issue but mostly managing the fear.

I hate feeling vulnerable and scared, had been working very hard to feel calmer about the front tooth extraction and a partial denture, the infection in the molar has really put me back, emergency dentist did say pain and infection will make me weepy! Waiting for my dentist to call and advise when to book the extraction, pretty scared he’s going to say immediately, or both teeth at once. Not sure I can cope with any more urgency about things. I’m not working at the moment, so distraction isn’t easy but I’m going to go and try.
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Oh SallyUK, my heart hurts for you, because I feel the same way, and I know how hard it is. I called and pushed back my implant surgery for 2 months, because I can't deal with the thought of another procedure right now. I don't know if I will even go through with it now.

I am afraid of procedures now, more than anything, and that they will make things worse.

Hugs to you, and I hope you can get some peace.

I don't know how this this personally with infection, but do know the feeling when it rains it pours and things seeming to just get worse and worst with no answers.. I second Mountainmama in that my heart really hurts for you too, as for Mountainmama and all you both are going through. Can this just be over.. ? Can it all just stop? is what my heart would say... I sure hope it does soon and there is some light that comes through the darkness of all this soon!
Oh Sally, poor you. I too feel heart-sorry for you.

If you're off work at the moment, can you arrange to meet up with friends or do things to take your mind off it? When I was at peak dental issues in 2017, and peak anxiety, it was the summer holidays and while it was good not to have to take time off work for the appointments, it was really NOT good for me to have time for endless googling and worrying!

I understand the thought of having the extractions is scary and overwhelming, but once those teeth are gone, they are never coming back. The teeth can't hurt you if they're not in your head. It might actually be a good thing to have them done as a matter of urgency, a full stop on it, and moving forward in a new direction with a partial denture.

I really hope you can get some peace from it all soon.
You are all so kind, thank you @MountainMama @Judythecat @krlovesherkids777

I wanted to say that I somehow managed to chase my fear away a bit by cleaning a lot and talking through my irrational fears with a friend and getting more logical and into a position of choice. I’m going singing tonight, which I love and won’t do for a while after getting this denture, so I’m making the most of that.

I was expecting my dentist to contact me with a plan for this new issue and have been anxious about it but they didn’t call and my worry brain imagined him scratching his head and thinking I had a serious issue he can’t deal with and all was doomed ( my fear talking) so I called them just before the office closed.

There are two dentists at the practice and I saw his colleague as an emergency on Friday. The tooth that flared was due for root fill or extraction but we’d put it on hold to deal with the front tooth teeth and denture. I think my dentists ideas was not to overwhelm me and the front seemed a priority. She said she felt extraction the only option, gave me the antibiotics saying I need them so that the tooth can be numbed for removal . Said she would leave a note for my dentist and they would be in touch with a plan.

When I called the receptionist didn’t know what I was talking about, said there had been a note left on my dentists desk but no one could decipher it, I asked her to look on my notes and it only said I’d been in for an emergency, receptionist offered to talk to my dentist and get back to me.

She rang back and said my dentist said he’d like to see me ASAP if I am in pain. I said that symptoms were easing with the antibiotics. They didn’t know I’d been given antibiotics - nothing on my notes ? I was then asked to book the extraction, I tried to explain that I thought my dentist ought to plan, maybe have the tooth out with the other one or after but she said there was an original plan to take it out, so we’ll do that as a separate thing.

I guess it doesn’t matter, but maybe it does, bearing in mind my anxiety and the denture, maybe I’d like the back tooth added to that? I’d like to know the plan. I am going to think about this overnight. I’m not sure having two appointments is the best for me, or to have the molar out before the canine and partial? I’m sure it’s fine but I’d rather my dentist had made a suggestion. I was just told if it flares again to call them. I’m feeling a bit cross and not feeling that cared for after that.

So I have an appointment on the 19th and one on the 25th. Wish my dentist had been communicated with properly and then I was communicated with. I feel like I was asked to decide what’s best. I have no idea. Maybe this molar needs removing asap. ?? at least my mood has changed from fear to irritation and it can’t be all that serious if notes aren’t even made or my dentist calling me! Despite feeling sure I want these two teeth removed they are big decisions wrapped up with a denture. Maybe it was because it was the end of the day when I called them but I feel let down a bit considering my dentist has given the impression he is making these decisions mindfully.

I so wish things were simple ?? mixed feelings, rollercoaster ride, we all know what it’s like.
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You are all so kind, thank you @MountainMama @Judythecat @krlovesherkids777

I wanted to say that I somehow managed to chase my fear away a bit by cleaning a lot and talking through my irrational fears with a friend and getting more logical and into a position of choice. I’m going singing tonight, which I love and won’t do for a while after getting this denture, so I’m making the most of that.

I was expecting my dentist to contact me with a plan for this new issue and have been anxious about it but they didn’t call and my worry brain imagined him scratching his head and thinking I had a serious issue he can’t deal with and all was doomed ( my fear talking) so I called them just before the office closed.

There are two dentists at the practice and I saw his colleague as an emergency on Friday. The tooth that flared was due for root fill or extraction but we’d put it on hold to deal with the front tooth teeth and denture. I think my dentists ideas was not to overwhelm me and the front seemed a priority. She said she felt extraction the only option, gave me the antibiotics saying I need them so that the tooth can be numbed for removal . Said she would leave a note for my dentist and they would be in touch with a plan.

When I called the receptionist didn’t know what I was talking about, said there had been a note left on my dentists desk but no one could decipher it, I asked her to look on my notes and it only said I’d been in for an emergency, receptionist offered to talk to my dentist and get back to me.

She rang back and said my dentist said he’d like to see me ASAP if I am in pain. I said that symptoms were easing with the antibiotics. They didn’t know I’d been given antibiotics - nothing on my notes ? I was then asked to book the extraction, I tried to explain that I thought my dentist ought to plan, maybe have the tooth out with the other one or after but she said there was an original plan to take it out, so we’ll do that as a separate thing.

I guess it doesn’t matter, but maybe it does, bearing in mind my anxiety and the denture, maybe I’d like the back tooth added to that? I’d like to know the plan. I am going to think about this overnight. I’m not sure having two appointments is the best for me, or to have the molar out before the canine and partial? I’m sure it’s fine but I’d rather my dentist had made a suggestion. I was just told if it flares again to call them. I’m feeling a bit cross and not feeling that cared for after that.

So I have an appointment on the 19th and one on the 25th. Wish my dentist had been communicated with properly and then I was communicated with. I feel like I was asked to decide what’s best. I have no idea. Maybe this molar needs removing asap. ?? at least my mood has changed from fear to irritation and it can’t be all that serious if notes aren’t even made or my dentist calling me! Despite feeling sure I want these two teeth removed they are big decisions wrapped up with a denture. Maybe it was because it was the end of the day when I called them but I feel let down a bit considering my dentist has given the impression he is making these decisions mindfully.

I so wish things were simple ?? mixed feelings, rollercoaster ride, we all know what it’s like.
I had my top back molar extracted due to an infection that wouldn’t go away in January. I had the same fears and questions. I wanted to save it above all else but was terrified of the reoccurring infection and pain. Idk if it was the right choice but it’s done. For me it’s been hard to adjust to the loss. I fed the first molar on my cheek and to be honest if I didn’t have that constant reminder I probably would be able to manage. I’m not thrilled with how things were handled and also felt brushed off. I plan on seeing the main dentist at the iffice(he was the one I thought I’d be seeing al along but only saw once. Went to him esp for dental fears) and let him know my disappointment in how things were handled then I’m looking for a new dentist I hopefully will feel more confident in. Hate this journey! I hope things went well for you many people don’t even notice that molar gone. It’s just my dumb horrible luck I guess ?