• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Another newbie, first appointment today in over 20 years, yikes!!



Junior member
Jan 27, 2013
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this forum, and so happy to have found it! I hope that by sharing my story it helps someone else out there in a similar situation.

I've had severe dental phobia for years, starting with a bad pediatric dentist, bad adult dentist, and then an anxiety disorder. All of which has kept me from a dentist's chair for over 20 years! But lately it seemed that I was always obsessing about my teeth, how they look, what if they crack, etc. I was also having sensitivity between a molar and wisdom tooth, which was obviously a cavity. And I take my children to a dentist every 6 months; I felt like a hypocrite. Most of all I was so tired of being afraid of this all the time - it was exhausting. So I sucked it up and made an appointment. And I had been a bundle of nerves leading up to today!

This morning I went for my first visit. I explained to a very nice, non-judgemental hygieniest my fear and that it had been several years since seeing a dentist. I couldn't bring myself to say 20, just several. :redface: She was fantastic. We did X-rays first, then the cleaning. Clearly, a lot of scraping was needed! And then the cleaning. It was easy, really. I was so happy to finally be having it done, and so mad at myself for waiting so long! When she was done the dentist came in. He took a look and told me that I would need to have one wisdom tooth pulled because of a deep cavity. He feels it's easier to extract it, which I understand. And, of course, I have 7 cavities that need to be filled!:scared: So I have to go back in a week and a half to have it done. 7 seems like a lot, but for someone who hasn't been for 20 years, it was expected.

All in all, the worst part about this experience was making the appointment and waiting. Once I was in there, the stress started to just slip away. Yes, I have to go back for more work, but the 'not-knowing' was agonizing! Honestly yes, I am nervous about the upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, but I am so relieved to have finally gotten this process going!

If you're like me, haven't been in years, considering making that appointment.....do it! Once you take that first step, the stress and fear just start to lessen and lessen. You can do it, really! After the fillings and extraction, I promise myself that I will be at that office every 6 months!

Good luck to everyone out there; dental phobia is the worst, but we can get better!!

:goodpost:Hello Melissa0204 and a big welcome to the forum, thank you for taking the time to tell us of your story.

I hope you will stick around, as we can offer you support and comfort if you need it, I am sure a lot of people will read what you have written and gain something from it.

Well done to you for getting to that first appointment things will get easier and less will need doing as time goes on. :welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:
Thanks Carole!

This forum really helped give me the courage to make that appointment! Hopefully I can do that for someone else. Dental phobia is difficult, but having the ability to share our stories, fears, triumphs, etc. here on this forum helps so much!

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