• Dental Phobia Support

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Antibiotics denied



Junior member
Mar 19, 2017
I had noticed separation of filling with gray underneath and the dentist said it didn’t look decayed. Flash forward and while on vacation my eye was twitching and my ear hurt on the same side and soon after the filling partially broke and shifted so I can’t floss. I go to a local dr and yep it’s decayed and ‘mushy.’ So I have to wait 2 weeks for repair either way, and my dentist schedules me, but won’t give me any antibiotics because I don’t have heat or cold sensitivity, just referred pain. I’m really afraid cause I had multiple previous experiences with abscesses (hidden decay again) I am getting a mildly gnawing pain, eye twitching and general feeling of dysphoria from the hyperacusis and inability to sleep. Is the dentist being reasonable?
Yes, seeing as there are no symptoms of acute infection, there's no reason to prescribe antibiotics