• Dental Phobia Support

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Any anxiety suffers have extensive dental treatment ?

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Jan 2, 2017
So I emailed 2 dentists 1 private 1 nhs - England
Only the private one answered of course.
I've nagging wisdom tooth pain on my last wisdom tooth and lots decay on my front bottom teeth probably more I can't see
I've a sore patch behind my front teeth which im worried about
All this is making me feel very down and miserable
I have to ring the private dentist give them information then make an appointment
Looking at they're prices God knows how ill afford it all my husband said he'd 'loan' me the money but it could be thousands

Feeling really sad
I have ibs d and it's triggered by anxiety and stress God knows how I'll get into the dentist in bad enough in the doctors waiting room
can you die of toothache ???? Infection

I rang dentist I've explained all of my fears and they said 6 weeks until an appointment ?
I took it but I'm worried as my wisdom tooth hurts earache and read it could be an infection that could kill me and I've got to wait 6 weeks ? There's no other phobic dentists as I live in a island so I'm more anxious now

I don't seem to get replies on here but hope someone can make me feel less anxious
Well done for making that appointment!

If you have nagging pain in your wisdom tooth I would imagine it's not infected - if it were infected you would know it!
It may become infected though so see how it goes and if it gets worse then contact the dentist or your doc for some anti-biotics.
I would also go to your doc to talk about the IBS and ask for some diazepam to get you through upcoming appointments.
I take 15mg for each appointment - my dentist could see just how terrified I was went I went in and he suggested I go to my doc. I misinterpreted what he sais and thought he was going to speak to my doc so I got 5mg prescribed by the doc last minute only to find out the dentist had prescribed me 15mg. 15mg is what I took at delayed intervals over a couple of hours before the appointment and it helped me hugely.
I have a stash of them now for any emergencies and any appointment and the doctors surgery totally understood - the receptionists especially were brilliant and even wrote notes about how I basically had a panic attacks just at the desk trying to find out if I could get an appointment to get the darn things!
I even took some just to go into the dentist building to collect some anti-biotics prior to having that first extraction as I was that shaken up!

Something I found helpful was to let the dentist know my awful history with dentists but also all of the hugely expensive treatments I have had (a lot of periodontal work which is a horrible treatment to go through) but I also told him that I wasn't rich and needed something that wouldn't end up with surprise extra bills.
Following on from my first appointment (I asked him to do x-rays that day also to speed up the process) he gave me a full and complete breakdown of the treatment we'd discussed so I knew exactly what to expect to pay.
Only one thing added more expense which was urgent after he had seen my x-rays and it was only an extra £135 which was handle-able. This was to remove my upper front tooth which had broken in the gum and had become infected. I had lived with it for 3 months and was in agony before I got the balls up to go to a dentist.
He glued the extracted tooth to it's buddy teeth so I wasn't left with a gap at all.

I have ended up with a partial denture and a further 3 extractions so all upper front four teeth have been removed (the other 3 would have required extensive periodontal work which I simply could not face and could not afford to keep having done so I wanted to opt for a more permanent solution)
My partial has been a total life changer for me. :)
I always had twisted teeth in those front four and always hid them. Braces never worked as a kid. I can smile now and the partial denture has significantly changed this.
My worst ever fear was losing my teeth but I wish I had done this years ago. If magically I could have the option of my own teeth (prior to one being broken) I wouldn't choose it. I'd go with having the treatment I did and getting the denture 100 times over!

Is there any chance you could get on the list for any cancelled appointments to get you in sooner?
I would also ask if you could have your x-rays done on that first appointment if you can - it will speed things up for you.
I was lucky, I explained how much pain I was in over an email as a first contact and they called me the following day. I was in the dentist chair 2 hours later - terrified and before having any diazepam but they saw me as soon as they possibly could.
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Thankyou for replying it means a lot
I'm sorry for what you've had to go through its one of those isn't it not going as shear terror then having to have loads done as we left it

I agree it's along wait they said if pains bad get an emergency appointment but that defeats the object of searching for a phobic dentist but this is just taking up my life info to sleep worried wake up worried

I did explain in my email how bad treatment I've had the practice manager was great
When I rang the receptionist wasn't I was incredibly nervous and she was snappy I had to explain 3 times in a dental phobic I emailed they told me to ring I just wanted to out the phone down in the end she was better after she understood

I once had my teeth cleaned and it was so bad it made me not want to go back
The worst was they have me a root canal with no X-ray so drilled into a root that had no numbing as we are only meant to have 3 roots I had 4 that lead to a gum boil for years until I saw a dental phobia dentist who explained it to me

I'm scared I've an infection and die its that bad now googling has made it worse

Thankyou again I'm seeing my doctor Tiesday about chest pains as cough he's not really that understanding but I may need to ask for something to get me through appointments

Thankyou again you helped me lots
You're welcome! :)

I'm really glad I went through all of this, none of this treatment was bad none at all. It was only back last November so is still quite fresh in my mind and I haven't rosey glowed it at all.

Cleaning is horrible!
I had mine cleaned up a week after the dentures were fitted and I was numbed up for it. I will never opt to undergo cleaning again without it so if that means the dentist does my cleanings instead of the hygenist and I pay more that's fine by me.

One of the things I always previously experienced was never getting numbed enough for dental work not to hurt but this time with this dentist I made a point of telling him to numb me as much as possible.
When he has numbed me he has a prod around and if I can feel any pain he gives me another injection. I much prefer drooling for a few hours than feeling pain!
In fact there was only one time in that chair when I raised my hand for him to stop and it was during the cleaning - but the reason wasn't pain - I had all the water going down my throat so the nurse put in another suction thing which solved it. :)

You would be really feeling it if there was an infection there. My tooth got all wobbly after breaking and I couldn't bite down on anything but once the infection arrived I could barely speak and was in a heck of a lot of pain 24/7.
Do you currently use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth? If not try some. I use Colgate Pro-Relief and it's very good.
You can also get something called Orajel from chemists which is temporary but numbing which I used at bedtime.
Are you taking painkillers at the moment?

Do - absolutely do speak to your doc about diazepam or some similar anti-anxiety drug and explain it's just for appointments. When I spoke to the reception at the docs the lady said it's really common for people to ask for it for dental work.
I took 5mg 2 hours before, gauged how my anxiety felt, then another 5mg an hour before and then a final 5mg just before going in and I did not shake at all. You must not drive while using them though and the effects can last 8 hours so public transport or a lift is a necessity.

Stop that googling! :)

They sound like they have listened to you which is good even if it took a bit of effort on your part. Do heed what they have said - they can and will fit you in sooner if things get worse.
If the pain you are in is unliveable (mine was) then get on that phone once you have got something prescribed to help you through and get in sooner. Plus tell the dentist you are taking meds for the dental phobia.
This appointment and upcoming ones have got to happen and you know that. It's better to get the first steps and any steps out and over with as soon as you can.
Your IBS will only flare up if you are constantly worrying.
I get IBS also so know exactly how bad that can be.
I get IBS flare ups as well from dental anxiety. I'm a nervous pooper!! It's embarrassing for sure, but for me, the best way to stop that is to get some anti anxiety medications. If I can take it before I even leave for the appointment (someone will need to drive you) and then use nitrous during the appointment, it works like a charm.
Some of the IBS medications will result in a drier mouth which is very good for dental procedures.

Some IBS may also be relayed to the consumption of Gluten. Total abstinence is required to check that out.
Sever anxiety here. Had it since I was 18 and I'm now 32. It's ruined my life. I rarely leave the house. As you can imagine the dentist is a no go!

Right now I'm in pain daily, all day. I struggle to eat because I have a tooth with a huge hole. Anything that enter that hole causes a shooting pain up my face. I have 2 rotten wisdom teeth below the gum line that the dentist said are "too difficult for me to remove". In total 6 teeth need taking because they want to do the lower wisdoms to save me hassle in the future.

I've been referred to a dental surgeon to have it done under sedation. I've missed every appointment.

You'd think the state of my teeth would cause me to bite the bullet. But it doesn't. And it doesn't get easier.

I have now opted to have the work done under general anaesthetic. Waiting for my appointment, but hopefully it will be this week. That's always an option if you're too nervous. It's done at hospital because very few dentists will perform it.
I have performed many many comprehensive treatments on phobic patients. It is a matter of understanding not what the phobias are but WHY. Give the person what they need to overcome it and they do well. There's a lot of CBT in my approach.
Thankyou for all your replies it's appreciated alot

My anxietys now how am I going to pay for the treatment it will probably cost thousands I haven't got that :(
Another anxiety sufferer hear, I've suffered with anxiety/panic for nearly 11 years and that's when I stopped going to the dentist. It sounds like yourself, TheGeek and me are in similar situation.
Well done for making the appointment and going private will be more relaxed and personal I reckon.

If your concerned about infection while waiting ask your gp for some antibiotics. My doctor also prescribed me diazepam which was helpful. I managed to have three teeth extracted during September and October with diazepam. Unfortunately I started to avoid again after cancelling my November appointment due to illness.
I'm now rebooked to start again on the 24th and it's giving me sleepless nights already.

Good Luck
Well done in going your a bigger step ahead than me
My doctors aren't great I've bad ibs d and anxiety kicks it off my doctors just gave me a leaflet so getting anxiety meds would be hard I think
I've doctors today I'd like to ask but I think he'll say no
I had chronic cough for 5 weeks no antibiotics until they tested my sputum then said there's no infection so I don't know if they'll give me any for tooth ache :(
Had to see a doctor for X-ray results they were clear had a cough it's was lung X-ray
Great I'm relieved
But I told him I had ear ache tooth ache and had dental phobia and he wouldn't give me anything for anxiety or antibiotics :(
The toothaches subsided earache occasionally but I'm worried as anxiety does that
I need anxiety meds for my appointments what should I do :(
The dentists did t say I could get them
There I jus had to wait 6 weeks to see them

Your doctor sounds like total plonker! Granted they don't like prescribing diazepam for long term use as it's highly addictive, but one for the night before and one for the day of your appointment is hardly over the top. My doctor will only give me two at a time and asks me to phone a week before each appointment to get a prescription.

Dentists can prescribe so call them and ask?
Thankyou Matt

My body language was bad as I dreaded mentioning my teeth and aniexty
Tbh it's made me feel worse

He gave me acid reflux meds 3 weeks ago I took 8 days worth and my mouth got sore and tooth ache kicked off he ignore me when I told him

Hence I'll avoid him next time

I will contact the dentists bit worried about tooth ear ache though :/

How are you ?
So I found out NHS dental treatment the NHS pays a lot towards it
The problem I have is being extremely anxious and needing a dentist that understand this problem on the NHS

I've made an appointment with dentist TOMORROW 8.35 am arghh my ibs is bad in the morning but it's an emergency with the dentist for phobics
So I think I'm now going to be super anxious
I'm sorry your doc didn't come through for you.
I had a walk in appointment to get mine but was obviously not displaying the same anxiety (panic attack) that I had at my initial consult and also in the doctor's reception are were I broke down completely and a friend had to speak for me.
If you are severely anxious tomorrow then the dentist will see it in you - it's not something you can fake at all.
Dentists are able to give prescriptions but also phobic dentists have other methods which will help you to be calm.
I'm pleased you found an NHS phobic dentist finally as you had said there were none so that is great news!

You will be fine! Plus thank goodness you don't have to wait 5 weeks"
If they need x-rays then do as I did and ask to see if you can have them done there and then. They may not be able to but if they can it cuts out another appointment.

Be aware that for NHS funding a treatment needs to be completed within 3 months (I think it's 3 months anyway) otherwise you have the cost again - I can't quite recall how it works - google it.
I saw your question about periodontal work in the other thread - does this NHS place do that also?
The treatment may take longer than 3 months on that one.
With my private dentist this time I went in and said I wanted a full, clear breakdown of all costs. You can try to ask for the same but with NHS I am not sure if you would get that. With periodontal treatment I always got farmed out to private dentists and never cost a full cost plan.

Good luck tomorrow and try to relax - you've taken the biggest hardest step already. :)
I'm sorry your doc didn't come through for you.
I had a walk in appointment to get mine but was obviously not displaying the same anxiety (panic attack) that I had at my initial consult and also in the doctor's reception are were I broke down completely and a friend had to speak for me.
If you are severely anxious tomorrow then the dentist will see it in you - it's not something you can fake at all.
Dentists are able to give prescriptions but also phobic dentists have other methods which will help you to be calm.
I'm pleased you found an NHS phobic dentist finally as you had said there were none so that is great news!

You will be fine! Plus thank goodness you don't have to wait 5 weeks"
If they need x-rays then do as I did and ask to see if you can have them done there and then. They may not be able to but if they can it cuts out another appointment.

Be aware that for NHS funding a treatment needs to be completed within 3 months (I think it's 3 months anyway) otherwise you have the cost again - I can't quite recall how it works - google it.
I saw your question about periodontal work in the other thread - does this NHS place do that also?
The treatment may take longer than 3 months on that one.
With my private dentist this time I went in and said I wanted a full, clear breakdown of all costs. You can try to ask for the same but with NHS I am not sure if you would get that. With periodontal treatment I always got farmed out to private dentists and never cost a full cost plan.

Good luck tomorrow and try to relax - you've taken the biggest hardest step already. :)

Thanks for replying and great support
No it's not NHS there's only 3 dentists where I live that have NHS spaces and all reviews werent good
I just thought it through and said yes to the appointment it's an emergency so won't be a big one just to deal for the toothache at the back but I'm dreading it
The doctor really annoyed me I was so anxious saying anything to him and when I did he said well yes you can tell you are by your body language ?
So it's been 15 years since proper dental work and 2-3 emergency one since
I know my front bottom teeth are packed with tartar and last time I had hygynist it was super bad but that was 21 years ago no pain relief

I'm anxious my ibs d will keep me running to the toilet but it's come to the point of fear loosing my front teeth

Thankyou again ?
I've made an appointment with dentist TOMORROW 8.35 am arghh my ibs is bad in the morning but it's an emergency with the dentist for phobics
So I think I'm now going to be super anxious

Good luck for the morning! Is it for treatment or to look what needs doing?