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Junior member
Aug 18, 2021
Hi, I have just found this group randomly as I'm absolutely scared of an upcoming apicoectomy. Reading some of the posts does resonate with me, which has made me feel a little normal. I'm currently been seen by NHS and its Junior dentist who will be carrying out the procedure under local anaesthetic. I'm confused and concerned at how this is going to be performed and whether I should go private. I've made the mistake of watching a video and that is haunting me and I'm thinking of not going ahead at all. Please help.
I have had two done, one on a molar and one on a front tooth. Which tooth is yours for?
Definitely don’t google it. It looks much worse than it is. The procedure itself is not that bad, but the recovery is definitely not as easy as you read online. It isn’t awful, but does take longer than a week. It is not a horribly painful recovery, just achy for a while.
I have had two done, one on a molar and one on a front tooth. Which tooth is yours for?
Definitely don’t google it. It looks much worse than it is. The procedure itself is not that bad, but the recovery is definitely not as easy as you read online. It isn’t awful, but does take longer than a week. It is not a horribly painful recovery, just achy for a while.
Thank you for your response, it's on my front upper 2 teeth, hence why I am even more worried. If anything goes wrong than I really don't want to think about the consequences. I can't help but think of all the worse case scenarios.? I
guess what I want to know is if anyone here can maybe help me put my mind at some kind if ease. I believe I read in one of the threads that nhs dentists aren't as experienced as private dentists. I don't have money to waste but at the same time I can't have an inexperienced dentist carry out apicoectomy. I have been under so much stress thinking about this.?
I read in one of the threads that nhs dentists aren't as experienced as private dentists.

That's rubbish, sorry. What really counts is appropriate and relevant experience.

Somebody who has been in private practice doing nothing but crown and bridge work will be a far worse choice than some young dentist who has just finished a 12 month surgical rotation. Most dentists in general practice don't do much surgery and are in general not great at anything more complex than a simple extraction.

Apicectomy (note the UK spelling) on front teeth is pretty straightforward, since it's pretty much a last resort treatment, then even if it doesn't work, you're not really any worse off.
That's rubbish, sorry. What really counts is appropriate and relevant experience.

Somebody who has been in private practice doing nothing but crown and bridge work will be a far worse choice than some young dentist who has just finished a 12 month surgical rotation. Most dentists in general practice don't do much surgery and are in general not great at anything more complex than a simple extraction.

Apicectomy (note the UK spelling) on front teeth is pretty straightforward, since it's pretty much a last resort treatment, then even if it doesn't work, you're not really any worse off.
Absolutely, that's what I'm looking for experience. The dentist thats treating me is a Junior and I will be his first apicectomy patient. I'm just extremely anxious?
Thank you for your response, it's on my front upper 2 teeth, hence why I am even more worried. If anything goes wrong than I really don't want to think about the consequences. I can't help but think of all the worse case scenarios.? I
guess what I want to know is if anyone here can maybe help me put my mind at some kind if ease. I believe I read in one of the threads that nhs dentists aren't as experienced as private dentists. I don't have money to waste but at the same time I can't have an inexperienced dentist carry out apicoectomy. I have been under so much stress thinking about this.?

As Gordon said, it is really straightforward on the front teeth. Even if the worst happens and it fails, it is not the end of the world. You can still have it fixed. When my apico failed, I had the tooth extracted and a bone graft done, with a bone block graft to fill in the hole from the apico. Then an implant was placed. Now you can’t even tell I had an apico or that there was a tooth extracted.
As Gordon said, it is really straightforward on the front teeth. Even if the worst happens and it fails, it is not the end of the world. You can still have it fixed. When my apico failed, I had the tooth extracted and a bone graft done, with a bone block graft to fill in the hole from the apico. Then an implant was placed. Now you can’t even tell I had an apico or that there was a tooth extracted.
Thank you so much for the reassurance.❤️ It has definitely eased my mind a little. I joined this forum to hear from first hand experiences rather then reading materials online. Fingers crossed and praying for a stress free and swift apicoectomy.
Absolutely, that's what I'm looking for experience. The dentist that's treating me is a Junior and I will be his first apicectomy patient. I'm just extremely anxious?

His first ever, or his first at this practice?
It might be worth getting an endodontist's opinion on how best to proceed (endodontists are specialists for root canal treatments and apicectomies)?
@Mamabear123 jury had two done didn't hurt lots of pressure and the stitches are uncomfortable for me I'm on otc pain killers