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Appointment today - scared and in pain

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Junior member
Nov 28, 2017
I'm just looking for Some reassurance or to hear from someone who didnt manage to get numbed at the dentist on one occasion But then did on another! I have a major tooth ache since sunday night and have been taking nurofen which barely helps. I can barely touch the tooth in question even with my tongue or it sends a jan of pain. Anyway its a broken silver filling which maybe has an abscess. Obviously i am just guessing But the gum is so swollen and its so sore that its probably that. I hate the dentist! Last time qhen i was getting a filling on a lower back molar she gave me max number of injections and I swear I could feel so much pain throughout the procedure. In the end I just cried my way through iT as I just wanted iT finished. It was traumatc! So now I am terrified about today. Its an upper molar so maybe its easier to numb? I am not in a good place right now after minimal sleep and maximal pain. My work is suffering. Anyone any experience with numbing not working once But working another time? Thanks for any help or words of experience.
The very first time I had a tooth extracted was probably 7 or 8 years ago, and though they numbed the area, I still felt the pain from the procedure. I never went back to the dentist to have other work until this past January when I switched dentists and had a broken molar taken out. I felt no pain after the numbing shot and she had to cut the tooth in half to get it out. I had a lot of anxiety about that tooth, first I had to take antibiotics since the tooth was abscessed a week later got it removed. I felt a lot better once it was out, since it could never bother me again.

Then a month later, in February, I had my last two baby teeth removed and didn't feel either of those. How long did they wait to start after administering the shot? For one procedure, it took 5 minutes and the other 10 minutes before I felt numb.

It also depends on the skill of the dentist. The first one I went to didn't do too good of a job with it. Have you been to your appointment yet?
The very first time I had a tooth extracted was probably 7 or 8 years ago, and though they numbed the area, I still felt the pain from the procedure. I never went back to the dentist to have other work until this past January when I switched dentists and had a broken molar taken out. I felt no pain after the numbing shot and she had to cut the tooth in half to get it out. I had a lot of anxiety about that tooth, first I had to take antibiotics since the tooth was abscessed a week later got it removed. I felt a lot better once it was out, since it could never bother me again.

Then a month later, in February, I had my last two baby teeth removed and didn't feel either of those. How long did they wait to start after administering the shot? For one procedure, it took 5 minutes and the other 10 minutes before I felt numb.

It also depends on the skill of the dentist. The first one I went to didn't do too good of a job with it. Have you been to your appointment yet?

Thanks so much summersunshine I really appreciate your feedback. it's put my mind at rest a lot! I did go to my appointment today and the dentist confirmed that I need a root canal and I am now booked in for tomorrow as there was a cancellation at the endodontist. I was not given antibiotics. She said I did not need them which I thought was strange as I have done so much googling and read many times that I would need them. On the plus side my toothache has almost completely gone unless I try to eat on that sore tooth...so I am trying to stay positive. I don;t think they waited at all after administering the shot the last time! The worst thing about it was they had to give me 3 or 4 shots which I was fine with but I could still feel the sharp pain of the drill, the air, everything but the dentist got irritated and told me it was just pressure I could feel! No way it was PAIN LOTS OF IT :eek:

I am pretty worried this time that I won't numb or else that my jaws won;t be able to last the 90 mins of the procedure. Thanks again for your reply. It really helps me move on from worrying about the numbing too excessively so that I can worry about another aspect lol.
Thanks so much summersunshine I really appreciate your feedback. it's put my mind at rest a lot! I did go to my appointment today and the dentist confirmed that I need a root canal and I am now booked in for tomorrow as there was a cancellation at the endodontist. I was not given antibiotics. She said I did not need them which I thought was strange as I have done so much googling and read many times that I would need them. On the plus side my toothache has almost completely gone unless I try to eat on that sore tooth...so I am trying to stay positive. I don;t think they waited at all after administering the shot the last time! The worst thing about it was they had to give me 3 or 4 shots which I was fine with but I could still feel the sharp pain of the drill, the air, everything but the dentist got irritated and told me it was just pressure I could feel! No way it was PAIN LOTS OF IT :eek:

I am pretty worried this time that I won't numb or else that my jaws won;t be able to last the 90 mins of the procedure. Thanks again for your reply. It really helps me move on from worrying about the numbing too excessively so that I can worry about another aspect lol.

I wish you luck with that! I've never had a root canal, and I'm hoping I won't ever have to. The only work I've ever had done was extractions. I get my very first filling next Tuesday, so I'm just reading around on what to expect and hope it's not too late for one.

In total, I have to have 8 fillings and 2 extractions left before my dental work is complete. Unlike most people, my wisdom teeth came in much earlier, though only 3 of mine have ever formed, and 2 of those have to be removed, she's letting me keep the other one.

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