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Autistic Guy Not Handling Things Well After Full Top Dentures



Junior member
Nov 17, 2024
So after years of having really awful and extremely painful teeth, I finally conquered my also extreme phobia of the dentist, and got all my top teeth pulled yesterday. It sucked but I got through it and thought the worst was over once I was home. But no, once I came home and went to change the gauze in my mouth, all hell broke loose. The minute I stopped biting down, blood started gushing out of my mouth. The denture came loose from all the blood (I presume from the blood) and I had to have my friend drive me to the ER because I was so freaked out.

At the ER they took the denture out and applied something to help stop the bleeding, and advised I don't put the denture back in yet. My problem is that the raw and bloody taste and the feeling of raw gums in my mouth is massively nauseating. Like. Really really badly. My autism is not doing well with this, I cannot function and am constantly about to have a meltdown. It's awful. I feel like I made a massive mistake getting this done.

Additionally, I feel like my temporary denture isn't correct, and this might have caused some of the problem? I've been told that temporaries should be sort of soft, and lined with something to make them a softer more comfortable fit. Mine aren't. They're very very hard and have no soft lining or anything. I think they sort of rushed to get them made for me, but I don't know.

I'm extremely freaked out, bc I'm struggling to even drink, let alone eat anything without gagging. My mouth is over-producing saliva and this is making the nausea worse bc I either have to swallow it or try to carefully spit it out. This whole thing is a nightmare and I don't know if I completely messed up or not.

Thanks in advance for any advice or support y'all can give, I'm really freaking out over here.
Aditionally, I'm terrified of accidentally ripping the stitches out... I'm trying so hard to not move my mouth but handling the excessive spit is really difficult. I can also ocassionally feel what I assume is one of the stitches in the back right, brushing up against the side/back of my throat and it makes me gag really bad.
Also my post-op is Monday morning. Sorry for all the additions, I'm very mentally frazzled right now.
They're very very hard and have no soft lining or anything. I think they sort of rushed to get them made for me, but I don't know.
That's normal. We don't normally put soft linings into immediate dentures.

I'm terrified of accidentally ripping the stitches out.
You won't. It's not that easy.

Is there any way you can put the denture back in? If it's been out for more than a few hours then chances are you won't manage it but give it a go. Unfortunately if you can't manage it then it likely won't fit, after the extractions there is a little bit of swelling and if the denture isn't in place then the resulting shape of your gum is unpredictable.

This whole thing is a nightmare and I don't know if I completely messed up or not.

Chances are you'll need the denture redone. I'm sorry you've had an awful time but there's no long term damage done, except maybe to your bank account :-)
Yeah, it's been out for about 12 hours now.... I did manage to put it back in, but it felt so uncomfortable, and it wouldn't stay flush against the roof of my mouth. Felt like it was "biting" into the top of my gums and that scared me. I want to try again because I can't stand the taste and feeling of the raw still slightly bleeding gums in my mouth, I'm going to throw up if it stays like this. Can barely drink and haven't eaten anything in 24 hours now. But I don't want the denture to cause anymore bleeding. I've heard about dry socket, and I am terrified of disrupting those blood clots and winding up with that.

Do you think it'd be okay to use a bit of denture adhesive to keep the top of the denture adhered to the roof of my mouth? Or should I just deal with it until my post-op tomorrow and see what they can do?
Too late now. A small amount of adhesive will be fine, just don't slaver it everywhere :)
Hope you got some progress today.