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Bad taste - appointment in 2 weeks

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Nov 6, 2022
London, England
Hi all,

I've got a bad taste in my mouth, worse after mouthwash, mouthwash is the same as always Dentyl clove no alcohol, I purely use it for rinsing, so I think it might be an infection. It's only been 2 days, no gum boil, no pain and I have an appointment in 2 weeks. If I still have it come Monday I will call them to try and get me in earlier, but if they can't, will I be okay till the 20th?

ETA upon further inspection my parotid is gungy. Not sure why this is happening as I've actually been hot to trot on my hygiene.

ETA1 all I can think is that in my effort to stop clenching I was sucking that side against the side of my teeth, blocking it, and I had removed a stone from the other side not a week ago.
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I cleaned the gland of any gunk and swished salt water and chlorhexidine, warm compress on my face to be safe and it seems to be okay. Still inflamed but I don't feel ill and there's no pus draining from it. It looks like it might have been cut more than anything else - it's two swollen flappy bits rather than what I have on the other aide. I brushed and flossed as normal and no weird taste has come back.

If anyone has any advice, happy to hear it but if not, I think I figured it out. Will mention it to the dentist on the 20th but call my GP if I look like I've been hoarding golf balls in my face.
No advice, sorry, but well done on the self treatment. Respect!
Thank you. I try to logic things out and process by elimination. It helps...some of the time. I have a limit for dental anxiety and this is one of a ton of things happening with my teeth at the moment so I was happy to bin something off the list as simple enough.