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bad teeth decay need help

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Junior member
Sep 21, 2012
I have my first dentist appointment in five years on Monday. I have really bad tooth decay and I removed my braces myself so there is some leftover glue. Is there help for me or am I just a lost cause? I am so nervous.

Hi there and welcome!

The first appointment is probably the hardest- we always assume the worst and envision awful scenarios.

But dentists are often able to save teeth that we might think are goners, so many people come out of their appointment relieved and surprised. Even if you do need some work done, it's in the effort to give you back your health and confidence.

Don't feel bad about not going to a dentist for five years; I was gone from dentistry for 12-13 years, and I know some people on here were away for decades even.

I know some more people will respond to your thread, but I am glad you found us. I've only been on this site for a couple months, but it helps me alot.
Hello and :welcome:

Im not a dentist and can only go by my own experience, but my teeth look much worse (broken, decayed and badly discoloured) and I was terrified to find out the verdict (hadnt been for 13 years and thought I was in for full dentures)
My dentist says most of mine can be saved, I came out of my initial appointment stunned!

Im sure you will have equal success, im also a new member and have found the support on this site amazing so am glad you found it too.

Good luck on your journey to a healthy, happy smile :clover:
Hello, and welcome!!
Before 2008, I had not been to a dentist in 23 years. I also thought the same thing.......none of my teeth will be able to be saved........full dentures....
I only needed 9 extractions and 2 of those were wisdom teeth. Apart from the extractions, I had only some minor decay and that was it!!! My dentist at the time actually complimented me on how well I took care of my teeth!!!
We all think our mouths are the absolute WORST the dentist is going to see......and that's usually NEVER the case.
Yes, there probably will be some problems that will need to be addressed, but I'll bet that your dentist WILL not say that your mouth is the worst he/she has ever seen.
So, please, take some small comfort in the knowledge that your teeth probably won't be the WORST, and that your dentist is there to help you and not judge you.......if he does judge, get another dentist!!!
Much :clover: and many :hug4:'s as you start your dental journey!!
Hi anonymous6969!

I can only imagine that this weekend will be dragging on for you, and that Monday feels like a big, looming, horrible doom...

I think you are amazingly brave and courageous for getting yourself to the dentist despite all your fears, and also for posting and uploading a picture here. Before I started fixing my teeth up, I would never have been that brave! So, :bravo: for being a wonderful strong person.

I looked at your picture and honestly don't think your teeth look that bad either. Like many people here, my teeth were cracked and broken, many down to the gumline, with big jagged bits and chunks of metal and... well, just hideous looking things. I expected my dentist to completely freak out. But she didn't even flinch. I'm about halfway through a big treatment plan, but only two of my teeth needed extraction (and these were worn/broken below the gumline, so they kind of weren't there anyway). The rest are gradually being rebuilt and look better than ever.

There's no way to tell from just looking-- even a dentist needs to see x-rays to understand what's really going on-- but I really think that you're FAR from being a "lost cause". There might be a lot of work to be done, but I'd be that most or all of your teeth can be saved and restored. Try not to get overwhelmed by how much or how long-- for now, Monday's appointment is just about getting some x-rays and letting the dentist take a look, and then discussing what needs done. No poking, no drilling.

Good luck getting through the weekend, and feel free to post here if you need some additional help and encouragement. I'm certain you'll be back here Monday night posting "It went really well!!!"

Great job again getting this far-- you're almost through the hardest part, and then it's all smooth sailing!
Hi anonymous6969,

and welcome here. Of course you're NOT a lost cause. You found DFC, and you also already have an appointment - two HUGE steps :) for your dental health.
We were all worried before our first appointment - after, that's much better.
I have also cavities in my upper front teeth ( hiding my smile for many years...also took some before-pics...), but now I decided to have them fixed. :)

Wishing you good luck,:clover::clover::clover:
