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Better or not to know when my appointment is?

  • Thread starter Thread starter realh
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Jul 30, 2012
I've got an extraction soon, but I don't know when. I got my sister to make the appointment for me and keep it a secret from me until the actual day, otherwise I'll be in a state of high anxiety for at least a week in advance and unable to sleep on the last night (which makes the anxiety much worse) and maybe also the night before.

Trouble is, not knowing when it is, but that it's probably within a couple of weeks, is also causing me a lot of anxiety, so I'm tempted to cave in and find out when it is. I think on the whole I'd rather try to fight the current level of anxiety for a bit longer and hope it doesn't escalate. There have been a couple of other triggers this week, so it might actually get better. On the other hand, if I know the extreme anxiety is only going to last a couple of days I could use diazepam to help me through it.

Has anyone else tried this tactic? Did you find it helpful?
@realh This is an interesting strategy. I have never tried it, for me, it would be more anxiety provoking, I think. Good luck to you though, and I understand, that anticipatory anxiety is awful. I have had a lot of weeks and sleepless nights like what you describe. Hope it is all better soon.
@realh I wish I had thought of that! Some dentists have emergency services so that you can also just decide on a day when you feel less anxious. For me, and it was someone on this forum who helped me- I just recognized and became to accept that on the day of the appointment- I was going to be very anxious and probably shake, feel faint etc… that was all going to happen. And that is ok… the more I accepted that…the more at ease I began to feel. Also I had Ativan ready to go for the night before and on the day. I didn’t use it on the night before- but did take it on the day and even though I still didn’t want to go- I got in my bicycle and went.