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Bone coming thru my lower gum?!?!

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Junior member
Jan 14, 2017
So, I am terrified and anxious about an issue happening on my lower gum line. I went to the dentist for the first time in 10 years due to pain from my wisdom teeth overcrowding and moving my other teeth. My lower front gum line looks like my jaw bone or teeth(not sure which) is really big and has developed a large bump or ridge. The gums no longer continue flat down from my teeth if that makes sense. The dentist only briefly looked at my teeth/gums and said its a normal response to teeth having lots of pressure on them, the bone bulks up to handle the pressure is what she said. Its been a few weeks and i just noticed that on the bottom
of the ridge it looks like there is white poking through and it has me terrified, i cant recall how much or if any white was poking out at the time. I am obsessing over it and have done every possible google search and cant figure out what it is or what it is called so I can figure out if this is actually normal or not. I feel like maybe the dentist doesnt know what she was talking about. I have searched the forums and no one seems to have my problem. I fear the bone or whatever is sticking out is going to split open my gums. Please help, im so scared but fear if it is okay the dentist will shame me for wasting their time. : (
It is called an exostosis or torus (plural is extoses or tori). It is very common. I see them all the time. Sometimes they'll look somewhat white when the tissue over the bone is thin. Nothing to be worried about and no need for any treatment.
Thank you for responding!! I am getting my wisdom teeth out in a couple of weeks, when the pressure goes away will the extotosis decrease or go away?
No, tori will not go away on their own. I have very large tori from years of teeth grinding and I would have to go to an oral surgeon to get them removed via a surgical procedure. My dentist mentioned to me that he feels like it's rather extreme to get tori removed unless they become really bothersome.
I see this is an old thread, but I have basically the same problem. I recently had a molar removed, followed by several fragments pulled from my gums. Before and still after, the bone below the extraction is sharp and poking through the gum which dentist confirmed is not a fragment. It is very sore and severely irritating my tongue. Dentist said other than extensive gum surgery I just need to wait it out for gum to grow back over bone. It has been weeks and that doesn't seem to be happening and both gum and tongue are very painful. Any recommendations for either resolving this issue or dealing with the pain while it heals?
Honestly I'd go back to your dentist.

Normally when this happens, the bone just needs smoothed off a bit, usually takes 30 seconds and a drop or two of local.
Thank You Gordon; I have taken your advice. Although I have lost confidence in my current dentist, I contacted a new dentist who agreed with your recommendation. He was much more empathetic with my plight and fit me in me in right away to relieve my pain. Thanks again.
I had the same thing too, sharp bone shards coming out .. and my new dentist took them out and smoothed it out it felt sooo much better.. and wasn't a bad procedure at all. pretty quick and painfree. some discomfort after but nothing a little pain meds didn't take care of for a brief time. Really glad you found a great empathetic dentist to help you! That makes all the difference too
So went to new dentist today, but had to refer me to oral surgeon. Evidently taking Boniva (bisphosphonates) has an adverse impact on jaw bone and requires more extensive treatment than filing down the bone. Appointment tomorrow. More to come.
That would have been useful information to have posted in the first place :-)

Did your original dentist not go through all the bisphosphonate issues with you before taking the tooth out?
My previous dentist, doctor, nor endocrinologist ever mentioned that long term use or massive doses of bisphosphonates may have an adverse impact on dental /jawbone issues and healing. Previous dentist also never mentioned that evidently I also have Tori (bone protrusion). Oral surgery Friday to correct, remove and resolve, sharp bone shard and repair molar extraction gum tissue which is not properly healing. Will post results.