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Broken Tooth and temporary filling...

  • Thread starter Thread starter mhp8982
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a question... my situation is kinda crazy right now.

So I woke up this morning and when I was eating breakfast I noticed that my very back tooth before the wisdom tooth on the top left is broken....a pretty good size hole....

Of course my dentist just recently retired who I went to for years and loved. He was great.. all bout saving the tooth and didn't push things. He did a root canal/crown on me last year and did a good job. The new tooth that is broken is right next to that one.

So today while I was at work, I asked some people who they go to... and got a few names of some good ones around town, but of course everyone is closed on Friday..can get you in on Monday... The only places open are the ones that look pretty and full of technology but are more cosmetic.. but I decided to try this one because it was in my network and they were able to get me in on my lunch hour.

To explain my rush...I'm 39 weeks pregnant.. and I've been told by my OB.. anytime! So my husband and I have been waiting and waiting...and of course this happens. Not the best timing. So I was hoping just to find a place who could put a temp filling in.. just until after the baby is born... then if it needs anything else..I will go in after and take care of it.

Anyway.. it's not causing me any pain or anything.. I just don't want it to break anymore. I go into this place today and they take an xray (after getting approval from my OB).. the dentist comes back and looks and says...It's pretty deep decay... you either need a root canal, but they may not be ableto do it..and it may have to come out. So they want to send me to some other place for the root canal which would take weeks to get into..and come back to them for the crown. But they basically said.. even if I make that appointment.. they may not be able to save the tooth. This just sounds crazy to me.. especially since there's no pain or anything. I asked if they could just put a temporary filling in until after the baby was born and they said no.. the only other option would be to extract. Well I really don't want to do that right now... labor pain will be bad enough.. I don't really want to deal with anything major. My old dentist would have gladly done a filling and then told me it needs a root canal or crown.. and he would urge me to get it done.. but he would have helped me. I know I had another one he filled telling me it needed a crown. So that made it sound like to me since the tooth wasn't dead.. and had a lot of filling.. they could just put a crown on it without the root canal...

So honestly I just don't know what to do. I will do the root canal if I need it.. but should it be a problem for a dentist to do a temp filling until after the baby is born? How long would it typically last? I can get into a better dentist on Monday.. but I was hoping to go somewhere else. There is a walk in immidiate care place just a town over from me we may try tomorrow...to see if they can do the temp filling. I'm really hoping they can. I'm just nervous I'm going to go into labor and then I'll be stuck with this tooth that has a hole in it for awhile and then it could break more..especially if I end up with a c-section or something.

And from my understanding insurance should still cover the root canal if I go to this other place and they do something temporary until I can get there...

Just looking for some thoughts and advice...
So I went in today to the emergency place. They said they couldn't temp fill it.. and we ended up going ahead and doing the root canal on it. So it was able to be saved. We did it all... and I have to go back in a week to get the permanent crown (depending on if I have the baby by then or not) Hopefully the temporary crown can last if I need it to...(how long can they typically last?) So I will either get it done Thursday or if I have the baby before then probably after that obviously. My biggest worry is if I have a c-section.. and it ends up having to wait longer than I want.

I really don't like going to those places.. because I feel like they are more about just sales. I understand why this one needed work.. but he started telling me the crown I had done a year ago was going to need replaced. He said there was a cavity under it. But on the xray you couldn't really see anything.. even he said.. "you can't really see it, but I can" And he mentioned other things no other dentist has ever told me was a problem. Even the one I hated yesterday didn't mention the other tooth with the crown/root canal having a cavity or needing replaced...and it's right next to the one that had to be done today. I felt like this guy today just wants my money... I'll let him finish this crown, but then we are going to find someone local who we know we can trust. After we were almost done..they did another xray and he told me then the one on the OTHER side of the old rootcanal/crown was going to need a crown and if we didn't do it quick.. within 3 to 4 months it will need a root canal too. Looking at the xray myself.. I couldn't even see the cavity. There was a tiny filling in it from my old dentist. I just don't know. Just didn't sound very accurate. I would think that when my old dentist (who I went to for 28 years) and I trusted very much...would have said if any of these other things were an issue. I mean if they are bad enough to need root canals.. they probably had a least the start a year ago when I saw him. It's just frustrating! I do think the pregnancy has probably weakened my teeth...and hopefully after the baby is born, they will be stronger again.
Any suggestions that I can do besides the obvious brushing,flossing,etc... to help them? I've always had somewhat sensitive teeth.. just like my dad. I hope I can do something...so I don't end up with root canals in all of them.
Hi if it were me in your position, I would get the crown on the tooth that has just had the root canal either on the appointment you have made or as soon after having the baby as possible. I would then find a dentist I could feel I could build a trusting relationship with for a second opinion on the rest.
Being pregnant can very quickly see teeth weaken as you mentioned, I have two root canal treated teeth that are just filed and I am waiting for 6 months for a crown to be put on, to make sure they are settled because I had an infection, I of course haven't had the teeth prepared for a crown so they may be a bit stronger than yours, but I don't think anything drastic will happen until you can get the permanent crown done.
I am not a dentist and maybe one will come along and advise you, but as a layperson I wouldn't worry too much about the rest of your teeth, until after you have had the baby, concentrate on having your baby, and let us know how you get on and what you have, if you get time.

CONGRATULATIONS [smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif] on your up and coming birth which sounds like it is going to be soon, and good luck with getting the crown done.

Best wishes :grouphug:
Hi if it were me in your position, I would get the crown on the tooth that has just had the root canal either on the appointment you have made or as soon after having the baby as possible. I would then find a dentist I could feel I could build a trusting relationship with for a second opinion on the rest.
Being pregnant can very quickly see teeth weaken as you mentioned, I have two root canal treated teeth that are just filed and I am waiting for 6 months for a crown to be put on, to make sure they are settled because I had an infection, I of course haven't had the teeth prepared for a crown so they may be a bit stronger than yours, but I don't think anything drastic will happen until you can get the permanent crown done.
I am not a dentist and maybe one will come along and advise you, but as a layperson I wouldn't worry too much about the rest of your teeth, until after you have had the baby, concentrate on having your baby, and let us know how you get on and what you have, if you get time.

CONGRATULATIONS [smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif] on your up and coming birth which sounds like it is going to be soon, and good luck with getting the crown done.

Best wishes :grouphug:

Thanks! We are having a boy and can't wait!! I wish he'd decide to show up already!

I think they are able to put the crown on quickly because I didn't have any infection in the tooth. There really isn't anything to settle.
Yes that was my thinking, do you have any names, or do you want to wait. [smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif] Little boys are so easy to bring up, and they love their mummies.
Hopefully the temporary crown can last if I need it to...

I'm sure it can. I have a temporary crown on a top incisor right now (you'd never know it looks great) and my dentist is happy to leave it ages before changing it, as we are planning invisalign braces first - so it could be up to 18 months. So, I really wouldn't worry about putting the permanent crown on hold if you need or want to.

Congratulations on the impending birth of your little boy. Wow, you are brave going to the dentist chair at your due date. Wouldn't it be interesting and rather cool if you went into labour at the dentist ? Maybe they would give you free toothpaste and lots of other dental gifts ? ;D
They just might get a fright themselves, and run a mile :rofl:
We are naming him Cole Alexander....

Yeah the dentist doing it kept joking about it.. if I were to go into labor. I was saying it would be crazy to go into labor right after the dentist.. but a great story for his baby book! lol
Quick question... it's normal for the gumline to be tender right? When my teeth bite together against the temp crown.. I feel pain...but I think it's from the gumline where they were ramming that band around my teeth to get the impression....or I hope anyway?

He felt pretty confident it wouldn't fail... it looked really good on the xray after. The other one I had done a year ago never failed.... at least now it's been a year and it's still good...

I had bad infection in that one though so we had to wait some time before the crown to make sure the infection was gone..and it definitely hurt more. This one has no infection.
My gum felt sore where the clamp thing was for about 3 or 4 days as if it had nipped my gum, and yes it was on the gumline, or just below, it is normal to experience a bit of discomfort after a rct, they have just knocked the tooth about quite a bit.

I hope Cole has recovered too from all the excitement, I wonder if he felt the vibration from the drill. Now that's starting early, you will have to tell him all about his first dental visit today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just amused myself with that one. :rofl:
Yes it's normal for the gumline to be tender - see the FAQ's here:

Congrats on your upcoming birth of your little boy from me, too :)!
lol yeah...definitely an early start for him! I was in that chair for nearly 6 hours...but he didn't move a whole lot.. sometmes he'd ball up in one area. It had to be awkward for him having me laying back spread out like that..

And as far as the pain I guess what I was asking.. is when I bite my teeth together (I'm trying not to eat on that side).. it feels like the tooth hurts... but i'm betting it's just from the gum line being tender? so it's not really the tooth hurting because the nerves are dead. At least I hope that's all it is. the gums where the injections were put in are actually feeling somewhat better already. All I can take is tylenol.. and after taking it I still feel that bit of pain when I bite together.
The pain you are on about is normal as well, it can take time to settle down, I know you didn't have an infection but you have still had an operation on your tooth. I had my rct done in March and it is only now feeling settled, I haven't needed painkillers or anything and I have also felt the odd throb, usually when I have bent my head down like to fill the washing machine.

It all sounds normal but if you are worried, ring the dentist and ask if you could have a word when he has a bit of free time, and he will ring you back and then he can either tell you to call in so he can have a look or tell you it is fine and put your mind at rest.

Don't worry, it does sound normal, it has to heal now and that takes a bit of time. :grouphug:
The pain you are on about is normal as well, it can take time to settle down, I know you didn't have an infection but you have still had an operation on your tooth. I had my rct done in March and it is only now feeling settled, I haven't needed painkillers or anything and I have also felt the odd throb, usually when I have bent my head down like to fill the washing machine.

It all sounds normal but if you are worried, ring the dentist and ask if you could have a word when he has a bit of free time, and he will ring you back and then he can either tell you to call in so he can have a look or tell you it is fine and put your mind at rest.

Don't worry, it does sound normal, it has to heal now and that takes a bit of time. :grouphug:

Yeah its only been a day.....I should probably give it a few days. It only hurts when I bite on it. Then it throbs for a few seconds. Its probably actually the nerves around it. I need to quit testing it!
The area where they injected feels fine.. has since yesterday. It still hurts around the tooth if I bite together. Tylenol has been enough to make it feel better. If I run my tongue along the tooth.. it has that "dead" feeling now.. so that's probably good. I'm so worried the temp crown is going to fall off. Is that common? It would scare me. I haven't been eating on it at all. I still get the throbbing feeling when my teeth tap together.. I thought i was doing good because I only took tylenol once during the day yesterday.. but took it before bed and then had to again in the night. I hope all of this is normal. But I'm worried if this pain (even if normal) is still there on Thursday.. I probably shouldn't get the crown put on yet, right?

We're still holding out for this baby to come! I hadn't progressed anymore at my appt yesterday.. but I can't imagine you can be at 3cm for too much longer... it's been nearly 3 weeks!
Oh good lord I didn't realise you were this near to giving birth, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY ON HERE :cheer: :welldone: so we need to know how that is progressing too, if you are worried about your tooth ring your dentist, but it may be that in the night you may be tense causing you to clench your teeth, I do this and it effects my rct tooth and can make it feel like it is aching.
It could be a bit hard to tell what is what at the moment, in your eminent condition, I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK WITH THE TOOTH AND THE BABY, we will see which one will be dealt with first, BETS ANYONE. :yay:

Your dentist will know whether or not to put the perm crown on when you see him/her, try not to worry too much about it.

I'M ALL EXCITED NOW [smiley=jumping.gif] keep us up to date with things if you can.
lol... yeah that's why I was all worried when I originally posted this. Because I wanted t hem to do something temporary til after the baby is born. (Due ANYTIME) But t his baby is being stubborn. They told me 4 weeks ago... when i went in at 36 weeks.. I was already 2 and 70 and being a first time mom that was surprising.. they thought I was going to go within the week. So my husband and I rushed around like crazy getting all the last minute stuff done...and here we are. I was progressing little by little.. and last week was at 3 and 80... and this week I'm the same!

I will try to keep you updated with the baby! I'm really hoping the baby comes first. The crown can wait up to 2 weeks.. They were rushing it for me to get it this Thursday. As long as the crown stays put... do the temps usually stay pretty well as long as you baby them? I brush it very gently and I don't eat on it. I can't honestly remember with my last one.. I don't think it ever fell off.. but this is a different dentist of course.

My tooth doesn't feel as bad during the day.. so you're probably right. It may have some to do with just that we use our mouths when we are awake.. so we are using the muscles and everything. When we are sleeping we aren't.. so they tense up. It's not even been a full 3 days yet... trying to be patient with it!
I think this baby, sorry Cole must have enjoyed it so much when you had the crown prep done, he is waiting for Thursday, and it will be a case of not knowing which way to go, hospital or dentist, could you arrange for a midwife at the dental appointment, get 2 birds with one stone, I would think the dentist has done their best to make sure the temp crown stays put knowing your situation, I don't think they want to be dealing with both ends, do you. :dunno::dunno:

I really wish you all the best with both your tooth and babys birth, I think you will be okay, try not to worry, it is still early days, and I think temp crowns can last for months if needed. :cool:;):giggle::whistle: and for Cole :star:
I think this baby, sorry Cole must have enjoyed it so much when you had the crown prep done, he is waiting for Thursday, and it will be a case of not knowing which way to go, hospital or dentist, could you arrange for a midwife at the dental appointment, get 2 birds with one stone, I would think the dentist has done their best to make sure the temp crown stays put knowing your situation, I don't think they want to be dealing with both ends, do you. :dunno::dunno:

I really wish you all the best with both your tooth and babys birth, I think you will be okay, try not to worry, it is still early days, and I think temp crowns can last for months if needed. :cool:;):giggle::whistle: and for Cole :star:

The dentist was joking while working on me on Saturday that he has 3 kids so he's been through it all before! Just in case it happened while I was there... with that lovely rubber band thing hanging out of my mouth. lol I think I'd definitely choose baby over dentist!
Oh well if your dentist has 3 kids, sack the hospital, just go Thursday and he will deal with everything, Simplessssss [smiley=cloud9.gif]