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Burning Mouth Syndrome

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Getting Anxious

May 2, 2019
New York
I had 2 root canals, one on each side at the same time, one failed and had to be extracted. The other is just about settled but the crown wasn't right, kept rubbing my tongue and irritating it - awaiting another one. This has happened over the last 3 months - There was not one week I was not at either the dentist, endodontist or oral surgeon for various adjustments or procedures- and actually stressed me out so bad that I am now on anti-anxiety meds. A few weeks ago my tongue and pallet started burning- Dr. Google says it's burning mouth syndrome. I'd appreciate an honest answer on this-is this a real thing from my dental work or a result of my stress and anxiety? I haven't mentioned it to any dentist or doctor yet-afraid I'll be labeled as nutty. If I knew it was from my stress I can probably wait until my meds kick in and see how it goes.Thanks in advance for any opinions.
I have burning mouth syndrome and atypical facial pain - I was diagnosed by a maxillo-facial consultant after referral from my dentist. Mine did start after a lot of dental work, which was caused by teeth clenching, in turn caused by stress. I was offered antidepressant type medication to blunt the nerves, but didn’t want to take it and try just to manage it. A supplement called alpha-lipoic acid jas helped.
BMS is a thing, so any dentist who labels you as nutty needs a swift kick in the fundamentals :-)

There are loads of factors involved in it, first thing is to check if there are any physical issues, low Vitamin B12 or blood folic acid can cause it, so blood tests to rule that out and then proceed from there.

Stress is a factor although interestingly one of the worst patients I ever had with BMS was actually made worse by lack of stress, she actually got better during stressful periods in her life!
Thanks Gordon for the encouragement. When I bring it up with my dentist. (Whether he needs a kick or not?) and assuming he sees no physical reason for it, do I follow up with my primary care physician or some other kind of dental professional?
Here in the UK you'd want a referral to an Oral Medicine specialist ideally, but I don't know if you have those in the US. However, if your dentist is into this kind of thing :-) then there's no reason they can't work with your primary care doctor to investigate things at first.