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Can I crack a tooth under a gold crown by clenching

  • Thread starter Thread starter swampiesue
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2009
Hi some of you may know me from my recent experience with bite problems after a Bridge was fitted.I am now waiting to go to a London Dental Hospital in a few weeks time,

However because of my recent problems with anxiety caused by my problems I am now on a antidepressant that seems to be working but makes me clench more. I have TMJ now caused with the bad bite I have and a very uneven bite.

My question is:-? I now have mild pain and mild hot and cold sensitivity on a lower molar directly below the bridge that is taking most of my bite. The molar has a gold crown on it and seems very strong but I am worried I might have cracked it with all that clenching..

Is that possible ? or is it more likley that it is hurting because of the uneven bite I have at the moment :( It also hurts if I pull on the tooth on one side, but does not hurt when I tap it.
It is possible to crack a tooth under a crown but unlikely. Your physcian might want to add another low dose drug to help you not clench and grind so much from the antidepressant.
Thank you Comfortdentist, I really didn't want to bother my dentist again before my Hospital appointment, so will wait for them to have a look..as it is a good chance it is all down to my bite .. fingers crossed 8-)

I will also make an appointment with my GP with regards to something to help the clenching ...:)