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Can I have full denture without any natural teeth at all?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Clare020883
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Junior member
Mar 8, 2024

I've always had problems with my teeth. I currently have only 6 teeth on the top. I wear a cobalt chrome partial denture which has x2 pre-molars on each side and x1 canine. However, now one of my very front teeth has thinned and broken in various places as long with the canine next to it. I was told the only way to save the main front tooth was with root canal and a cap. I don't have a registered NHS dentist and root canal and caps are two of the most expensive things so it would cost nearly £2000. My other option is to have the tooth extracted and have it added onto my denture. This will cost around £700.
These amounts are just to fix the main problem of the front tooth. Of the other 5 teeth at the top, I can only say one of them is 100%.
I am coming into some money soon and while I have money, I'm considering having all the 6 teeth removed because if I'm going to spend money on one tooth, why not get them all sorted while I can. But, how does a full denture work, or does it work, if you have no teeth at all? How would it stay in? Or would it not be a possibility? I have a consultation on Tuesday but just thought I'd ask here.
I'm extremely dental phobic and would need sedation which this dentist offers.
I have a full top denture, and it stays in with its own natural suction. This works for most people with an upper denture because the roof of your mouth hugs it closely and keeps it in place. I would check with your dentist to see if you're a good candidate, but if the structure in your mouth is not ideal, pastes can be used to hold it in place instead. I love my upper denture and was so glad to get rid of my old and mostly broken teeth about 7 years ago.