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Can sealant be applied too high or no

  • Thread starter Thread starter A196x
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Mar 4, 2020
I feel like my usual fluoride varnish treatment hasn’t worked, I usually have had this for last few years and it was every 3 months but now dentist has moved it back to 6 (unsure as its still an issue)

I had the varnish applied last week but I still feel sensitivity when eating/chewing. Two big teeth. I have had sealant in the past and had felt comfortable when the dental hospital had done it, then the last time my dentist did it a few days later I had to go back and the dentist had to shave my tooth hope that makes sense which freaked me a little as everything had been fine until the selant making me think is it like a filling if too much is applied.

I use to get quite aware with fillings of change and feeling it different, unsure if Autism thing. So now wondering if this varnish hasn’t worked - do I go back to sealant (does it wear over time) or is it now time for filling? ( x rays fine in past just bad erosion)
No way to tell without looking, sorry.
No way to tell without looking, sorry.
No worries Gordon, I went back and said I have this dull pain in the two big teeth as fluoride varnish had’nt worked. She tapped the tooth etc and because I said no it wasn’t that bad and visually she could not see anything on examination just wear. X rays also done March last year they weren’t going to apply any treatment. But eventually said could sealant be applied as worked in past and rotate between the two.
That unfortunately hasn’t worked either, so I just feel left with this dull pain.

I guess if I have been stressed lately and its due to through the night (but unsure as don’t feel I have) would that cause a dull pain and if stopped would that resolve? Sorry just feel like i don’t know what now that two treatments worked :(
Stress usually provokes clenching/grinding at night time, so that would fit your symptoms as well. Might be that.