• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Can someone please help me? (US)

Re: Can someone please help me?

Well done!! You've come so far in such a short time. Just wanted to wish you all the best for your appointment today.


Re: Can someone please help me?

I'm very impressed :) - you're doing brilliantly there :jump: . Congratulations!!

I think one thing many people who have overcome a dental phobia have in common is that they figure out a solution that works for them, by themselves. Obviously, everyone draws on ideas they read about, but finding the right mix for oneself is really important (apart from the right dentist, of course :)).

Best of luck with your appointment today from me, too ;D!!!
Re: Can someone please help me?

I’d have to say that I’ve crossed a major obstacle today. I arrived about 15 minutes early, heart pounding but comfortably numb with a double dos e of Xanex. I’ve determined that my metabolism is very high so normal doses seem to dissipate very quickly. Through some experimentation I’ve figured out that it takes about 75 minutes for it to kick in nd it lasts about 60 minutes.

Understand that I’ve known the doctor for about 8 years. During that time she’s called me and asked when I was coming in. Jokingly I’d say not anytime soon – and than God you’re not a proctologist!

When she saw me walk through the door she was amazed and asked if I was OK.. and if I needed to sit down. I said, “look I’m here.. how I got here is still a miracle so lets’s get to it.”<br>
The visual exam went well though outwardly she saw my heart was pounding and I was visibly sweating. In side, the Xanex had me somewhat calmer and I just kept my eyes closed. I asked her not to tell me what she was doing unless there was a specific need.
It was reassuring when she commented that it wasn’t as bad as she expected. Next cam the X-rays. She told me it might be uncomfortable as I’d have to bite down. I guess I have a big mouth cause it wasn’t at all difficult or uncomfortable. It seemed to be getting easier.

The X-rays were accessed and she told me that the front tooth that recently broke could be easily fixed as there was no nerve damage. With the exam and x-rays done, she told me we were done. I commented that I was prepared for much more so she said, well we can start if you’re up to it. What the hell, I’m medicated and moist with sweat so I told her to try something.

Some numbing gel and about 15 minutes later she told me she was going to repair the front tooth. She warned me that there would be some discomfort, but she would take it slow. Fearing the injections I tensed up and told her to proceed. Much to my surprise, she said, I gave you the injections.. if that didn’t bother you, this will be a snap!.. 20 minutes later I left with the damages repaired and very much relieved.

Next week we’ll proceed to the next step. I’m still shaking in my boots but somewhat looking forward to the next visit knowing that it might not be as bad as I feared. I’ll keep you all posted..
Re: Can someone please help me?

I’m still shaking in my boots

You can stop shaking now - well done :jump: :jump: :jump: !!!

You and your dentist did fantastically well - don't forget to treat yourself! Have a Bass on me :cheers: ;D And many thanks for the update!
Re: Can someone please help me?

Yes, but there's much more ahead. I don't want to become over confident and the procedures ahead will result in some post procedure pain.

I woke up this morning for the first time in weeks feeling rested and the tenseness was greatly reduced.

I think it's important that I keep all those who have read my experiences updated. IF, just one erson can be helped I'll know it was not in vain. I'll also try to now respond to others and see if I can help them. By no stretch of the imagination am I over it, but after prioritizing my fears and overcoming the worst one I do feel the road to the goal is in sight.

I'll keep you all posted, and again MANY THANKS!
Re: Can someone please help me?

It were stories like yours which helped me most, and I'm absolutely certain that others will be helped by your experiences :).

Re. the pain meds - are you resistant to any pain medications in particular? You probably know much more about this topic than I ever will, but considering that different types of pain meds have different pharmacological actions, there must be something out there that will help you. Besides, post-op pain is by no means a given.

You did something huge (and maybe even life-changing) yesterday, and you should feel very proud of yourself :).
Re: Can someone please help me?

Actually, today is appointment #2 where we'll get into some deep cleaning. Had some restorative work done on #1 to improve a brokem tooth up front. I was told that the injections up front would be the worst, though little pain would be felt. Honestly, I was petrified and after about 5 minutes I told the Dr I was ready. Much to my surprise, she responded, "ready for what?" I said, the injections. She started laughing and said I gave you those about 4 minutes ago. She's very good!

After it was over she said if you can take that, all others will be much easier. The dental art has come a long way in all the years I've not been there. I'll continue the story this evening after I get back from #2.
Thanks to all
Re: Can someone please help me?

Hi again,

glad your last appointment went well. Hope that everything went well today as well. You're doing great.


Re: Can someone please help me?

Please let us know how you got on (good, bad, or indifferent). There can sometimes be some soreness after deep-cleaning, so I was wondering if you were OK (considering your resistance to painkillers) ??? ? Hope everything went well :)!
Re: Can someone please help me?

hi numb,

i just want to say i think you have shown remarkable courage and i admire you greatly for what you have achieved in a fairly short time. :o)

i too am facing similar problems and have found this site to be very helpful with suggestions over the last few weeks, even though i have yet to find the inner courage to do the inevitable. just talking about it at last to people who understand has been a great source of relief.

i wish you well in your future appointments and look forward to the progress reports, they are a source of encouragement to many :o)

regards Shirley
Re: Can someone please help me?

Things seem to be getting easier, though the road ahead is still long. I’m discovering how my body reacts to pain, and anti-anxiety medication such as Xanax. The gel, topical medicine and injections used to numb the area being worked on lasts for a much shorter time than with most people. Likewise, the Xanax I’m using to ease the anxiety requires higher doses and lasts for perhaps only 2-3 hours. I definitely feel less anxiety <heart pounding, sweating and so on> yet have no sensation of drowsiness, or being “out of it.” I’m told the normal dose of .5 mg should work nicely, yet in my case it’s requiring 1.5 mg <3x the normal dose.> Knowing these facts makes it much easier to keep me comfortable.

I decided to set some new “rules”. After much thought I’ve decided that much of my fear is about the unknown. The “unknown” happens to be how procedures that once inflicted pain, now have been improved and refined. The end result appears to be far less discomfort during and after.

Since this visit's agenda was to begin cleaning the lower teeth, I was quite nervous. I realize that such cleaning involves going below the gum line. I've heard from many people that while the cleaning was abit uncomfortable, the aftermath was much worse. I decided that from now on, I didn't want to know what she's going to do. The "unknown" was probably worse than the actualy procedure in my mind.

Numb and somewhat relaxed I cranked up the IPOD and let her start. Ironically, about 10 minutes into the procedure what songs starts playing - Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb"- kid you not and certainly not planned. I got a chuckle out of it and she immediately stopped thinking I was in pain. The cleaning took about an hour, and aside from some stiffness from sitting so long I was fine - no pain much to my amazement. After seeing how well I did she asked if I had somewhere to go. Since I had no plans she suggested I take a break for about 30 minutes and we could do some fillings. The extra time was available by way of a cancellation. What the heck, I was there and still had at least 90 minutes worth of Xanax in me so I agreed.

I left, much cleaner, whiter, and feeling somewhat more confident. The next visit will continue on the upper teeth.

Yet, as well as it's going, I'm very nervous of what lies ahead. There will be a few extractions. What motivates me are two facts.

1. So far, all the procedures are virtually painless.
2. The doctor is amazed that I"ve not had any pain from the decay that's present. That might indicate that while pain meds don't work so well, I may also not experience pain that others would. Time will tell.

I am extremely confident her and I believe that this is the key to moving forward. I'll continue to post my experiences and hope that each one will be as positive as I've experienced thus far.

Thanks to all for the supportive comments.
Re: Can someone please help me?

Wow, congratulations numb. I think you are my new hero! :)

Seriously, it's very encouraging when people post the good visits as well as the not-so-good ones. It does give hope to others, believe me. Your dentist sounds amazing!

Keep the reports coming. :)

Re: Can someone please help me?

That's fantastic news ;D!! As James said, your reports really help others who are still trying to work up the courage to tackle their fears.

Congratulations yet again :cheers: , and keep us updated :)!!
Re: Can someone please help me?

Thanks. There are some observations and conclusions I’ve made and I truly feel that these need to be considered by all who fear or have any doubts that they can get the help they need – and probably want.

· In the past 10 years dental procedures and techniques have improved. The results of those improvements result in less discomfort during and after the procedure.
· The office environment has definitely changed. Comfortable chairs, less intimidating instruments, better tasting substances that are used and a variety of anti-anxiety drugs that will not make you feel like you are drugged.
· Decay, or broken teeth that once required extraction can now be used as the foundation on which to rebuild a cosmetic replacement. A chip or a crack can be quickly repaired using bonding that’s painlessly applied and cured with UV light.
· Last but certainly not least would be my recommendation to seek out a young dentist, someone who is knowledgeable about the latest techniques. You don’t need the Dr Frankenstein guy! I’m also convinced that dental clinics are not your best choice. Private practices seem to be more sensitive to your needs. Their objective is to treat the patient and not necessarily concentrate on how many procedures can be done in one day.

I’m far from being out of the woods, but with the progress I’ve made in just three weeks, I’m “almost” looking forward to Monday’s appointment!
More to follow.
Re: Can someone please help me?

Hi Numb,

really pleased how well things are going for you! :)

This evening I was reading an article in the "New Scientist" magazine and thought of you. The article is about the subject of how genetic differences in all of us make us react very differently to prescribed drugs. One specific example given in the article is how people react to painkillers. Here is a quote:

"Among other ingredients, it [painkiller] may contain codeine, a well-known drug for pain relief, but one without analgesic properties itself. Codeine is a pro-drug: only after the body transforms codeine into morphine is there any pain relief. But nearly 1 out of every 10 people of European ancestry do not produce the right enzyme to turn codeine into morphine. For them, codeine has no effect."

The article goes on to say:

"Most doctors and patients don't realise that these genetic differences exist, and wouldn't know how to adjust for them if they did."

Good luck for Monday!

Re: Can someone please help me?

· Last but certainly not least would be my recommendation to seek out a young dentist, someone who is knowledgeable about the latest techniques. You don’t need the Dr Frankenstein guy! I’m also convinced that dental clinics are not your best choice. Private practices seem to be more sensitive to your needs. Their objective is to treat the patient and not necessarily concentrate on how many procedures can be done in one day.

Just wanted to say - not all older dentists don't keep up with the latest techniques, or have a worse chairside manner ;D. Actually, I used to think the same thing myself, but I've changed my opinion since. Though I would stay away from "old-timers", too, LOL ;D.

Looking forward to your updates - and thanks for your great list of observations ;D!
Re: Can someone please help me?

Please forgive me for not posting in several days. Things have been happening, for the good, and my personal schedule at work has been hectic.

As I explained in a previous post, I've decided not to ask what treatment will be done at the beginning of each visit. I've developed a lot of trust in my dentist; she understands my issues and so far she's not done anything to cause any discomfort. That trust is the key to me feeling comfortable when she's treating me.

Last week I suspected she was going to begin something larger than some fillings or cleaning. Tokk her about 20 minutes to get me good and numb, but listening to my IPOD made the time pass quickly. Just kept my eyes closed and allowed her to proceed. In the course of about 30 minutes she removed what was left of two teeth in the rear of my mouth. In the next 30 minutes she started a root canal and inserted a temporary post. That night I left the office numb, but with a temporary tooth in place filling the "space" that bothered me for many years. I felt and looked better.

That night I started having adull throbing pain. It kept me up most of the night and one of my worst fears was now a reality. Pain, without any known med that would provide relief. Called her at 10 PM and she suggested I take 800 mg of Advil. It worked, but only for two hours. The next day she had me come in and removed the temporary tooth. She explained that pressure built up beneath and once it was allowed to vent, the pain would go away. Once removed the relief was immediate! The next morning I awoke with some swelling beneath my eye. It turns out that somewhere beneath what she had done was a dormant abcess and she woke the infection.

Now on antibiotics, several days have passsed and I'm feeling just fine. Yesterday some temporary packing was placed in the hole, the result of the root canal, to see if all had drained. Now almost 36 hours later no pain and I'm feeling great. Tomorrow it will be closed up and next week the permanent crown will be inserted.

Strangely, the brief pain was worth the experience. It further demonstrated her commitment to keeping me comfortable. Even more remarkable, I'm actually starting to look forward to each visit.

We've concentrated on each issue that caused me concern, discomfort and even panic - one by one. As I've overcome each issue I'm now more comfortable and she's able to work on me longer.

The road ahead is still long but as long as I'm not loosing sleep the nigh(s) before an appointment, I'm happy! BTW, the Xanex prior to the visit certainly helps. I t takes the edge off my anxiety. I'm seriously feeling that soon it may no longer be necessary.
Re: Can someone please help me?

Most Excellent!!!!!
It's things like this that I really need to hear in order for me to go to the dentist.

Man I sure do hope I get someone as wonderful a dentist as yours!!!

I LOVE reading your progress, I can't tell you how much inspiration and hope it gives me!

Thank you and please continue to post!!!
Re: Can someone please help me?

Trust me, it took me 25 years to get there and things have changed! I'm not just saying this, I sincerely mean it. Even the "smell" which really brought back bad memories is gone. I can't hide the fact that having a young attractive blonde dentist makes looking up much easier! ;-)
Re: Can someone please help me?

WTG, Numb!!! :jump:

You first posted here on 14 March, just one month ago - and now look at you! :party:

Your posts are soo encouraging. It's great to hear about your progress and your dentist sounds lovely.
