• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Can't believe i'm posting on a forum about my fear of dental treatment

  • Thread starter Thread starter GerryH
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Junior member
Oct 27, 2011
I've not visited a dentist for about ten years or so, I live in Scotland. I had a top row denture made at that time which has broken a few times but I've went straight to a lab for repair rather than go back to a dentist. Since then I've lost a couple of teeth which leaves gaps in the top row althought the roots remain but I've not been able to deal with that issue.
My bottom teeth are in a poor way and I have just cracked one which will go soon leaving a hole in the bottom row which only consists of seven teeth and there are molar roots still there at the back of each side. My bite is off, my smile is weak, my teeth are in a shambolic state, I desperately want to do something about it but cannot achieve that. I'm fed up trying to hide a terrible smile and would love to rectify the dental problems I have.
Is posting on this forum going to do me any good I've no idea but here I am anyway.
Is posting on this forum going to do me any good I've no idea but here I am anyway.

It's great that you posted here in the forum :jump:.
You mentioned in the title about your fear but nothing in the thread itself.
Is the fear the main reason for not going to the dentist or is it somethig else (like the financial costs)?
If it is the fear, you can share about it more in this forum and also ask for Dr. Mike for advise and help and you can also visit his website: https://www.whatfear.com

It's nothing to do with financial costs at all believe it or not. I'm just a complete coward when it comes to the dentist. I'll find any excuse to cancel an appointment, when I do get there I always felt like walking out from reception area, just can't make the step. Feels incredibly weird sharing this with strangers believe me.
Its nothing to do with financial costs at all believe it or not. I'm just a complete coward when it comes to the dentist. I'll find any excuse to cancel an appointment, when I do get there I always felt like walking out from reception area, just can't make the step. Feels incredibly weird sharing this with strangers believe me.

It sounds like you should contact Dr Mike. He lives in Scotland and specializes in treating dental anxiety.
If you still cannot find the strength to do it, you can read more in this forum especially in the success stories section. You will find many of the stories there inspiring.:)
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I second/third the recommendation for DrMike. All NHS dental care will offer you is likely a full denture. An implant-supported denture (if your teeth are not saveable) is a much better solution.

We do have other recommended dentists in Scotland though, see here:

There may also be the Community Dental Service option in your area but they cannot offer implants either: https://www.dentalfearcentral.org/fears/special-needs/
Hi GerryH
Firstly, hopefully what you have already found is that there are people out there who do actually understand where you are coming from.
Thanks to those who have been recommending me! My ears were burning!
GerryH, you would be amazed by how many people feel the way you do. It is worth highlighting that the fear itself can be embarassing to talk about face to face with someone, especially a family member or friend and many people find that posting annonymously on this forum is really helpful in blowing away some of those 'old cobwebs'. Hopefully that is what you have found following your post. Most of the people I meet who come to me for dental treatment are embarassed about their fears, and most are also embarassed about how their mouths/teeth are. I reassure every patient that my job is to give them options and offer possible solutions. Things are where they are due to the fear, and the history of avoiding dentists. We can't turn back time- so there is no point dwelling on anything other than what can we do now to get the goals and reults that are wanted. I talk to my patients about the fact that there are 2 treatment plans. The first is the dental treatment options, the second is the anxiety management. There are many many things now available that can make the whole experience so much easier. My work is based around finding the right management option for the individual patient. As with many things in life, one size does not fit all. It is for that reason that I have trained in a variety of techniques. Often the biggest progress is made as trust builds. I never expect anyone to trust me on face value. Trust has to be earned.
I would be more than happy to help. We could exchange emails privately, and eventually have a chat on the phone before meeting in person so that you can decide if I may be the person who can help. You mentioned that staying in the building is even difficult. I meet many of my new patients for the first time in a local cafe for a coffee. We have a chat, and they make a decision if they like my approach and style. There is no oblication to return to the dental practice, but they get to know better what I'm like and about.
If travelling to Glasgow would be difficult, do check out the link that was posted with dentists in Scotland who would be more than happy and able to help. Either that or email me and I can let you know if there is anyone in your area who I know could help. My email address is [email protected]
The key thing is to take things at the right pace and find the right dentist. It is great that you have taken the first step in posting here and talking about it online. The next step is in selecting who you may think could help. Remember that dentists are just people. If you meet one that you dislike and don't think they can help, there are others out there!
Best wishes
Dr Mike
Guys thanks for the replies and the initial advice I've sent Dr Mike an e mail with a view to having a chat with him.
Although as they say in the movies "talk is cheap" but I'm hoping its a step in the right direction :-[
Guys thanks for the replies and the initial advice I've sent Dr Mike an e mail with a view to having a chat with him.
Although as they say in the movies "talk is cheap" but I'm hoping its a step in the right direction :-[

Yes it is the right direction, and you can walk this path gradually, no need to rush into the unknown.
Appointment made to visit dentist. here's hoping ...

Well if it is DrMike, I think you'll be fine. Fast work - congratulations [smiley=jumping.gif]
Well if it is DrMike, I think you'll be fine. Fast work - congratulations [smiley=jumping.gif]

Thanks Brit. It is indeed with Dr Mike. Its on Friday and it seems like a long way off at the moment but also like a big cloud on the horizon. Anyway, I'll try and get some work done and take my mind off it for a couple of minutes :)
Excellent decision. Mike is the dental phobia management side of my dental team- he's awesome.

Keep us posted on how it goes!

Excellent decision. Mike is the dental phobia management side of my dental team- he's awesome.

Keep us posted on how it goes!


Thanks, will do. Fighting the cancellation bug daily, winning so far :)
Thanks, will do. Fighting the cancellation bug daily, winning so far :)

Apart from the fee, what have you got to lose? If you don't feel he can help you, nothing happens. You are in control.
Look at it this way, Mike probably feels almost as nervous as you....;)
Apart from the fee, what have you got to lose? If you don't feel he can help you, nothing happens. You are in control.
Look at it this way, Mike probably feels almost as nervous as you....;)

Theres a fee?:) I hope and pray he's not as nervous as me...:D
Theres a fee?:) I hope and pray he's not as nervous as me...:D

Actually it was another of the dentists on here Gordon, who used to say he got slightly nervous before meeting a new patient. But he works in the CDS and is the dental phobic patient's last hope as it were, so that's probably why. If they don't like him, he has failed.
Well folks I survived my first appointment in many years.

Albeit it was only a chat, check up and x ray I must admit to a feeling of self satisfaction.

Now contemplating the works needing done and the scheduling of the same with a little less trepidation than I thought I would be prior to meeting Dr Mike.

But as I mentioned before talk is cheap and there are some daunting hurdles to overcome (in my mind anyway) but the resolve to see it through remains.

Have a great weekend everyone.
One step at a time.........again, you're in very good hands and I'm sure Mike will only do what you are ready for. Soemhow I think the first is the worst- over that hurdle.


If you prefer, no need to post updates as treatment is progressing if it seems too BigBrother like - do whatever feels best for you.
I am sure you are over the worst. It will get easier - Mike seems to have every gadget to help dental phobics known to man....and everything from hypnosis to TLC to sedation in his armoury. Rare indeed.
Congrats on such fast progress [smiley=jumping.gif]