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Can't pass floss between two molar crowns over implants

  • Thread starter Thread starter eric2005
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Junior member
Oct 10, 2017
Part of my phobia is anxiety about dental work problems. I recently got two crowns over implants. I cannot pass floss through. Dentist said to use gum picks. The pick only enters the top. Is this OK or will I have problems down the road? Thanks for advice
I'm not sure what you mean when you say the pick only enters the top.

Can you get a TePe brush in between the gum and crowns? They tend to work better than wooden picks.
@Gordon I don't mean a tooth pick. I am referring to the G-U-M 'soft picks' that you buy in pharmacies. I can get it into the area directly below the gum and the top of the crowns but that is all. I can not get floss to pass through. The two crowns are too close together. My concern is will this cause any dental problems in future.
@Gordon I had to look up TePe brush. I see that what it is. The G-U-M seems similar. I think probably the brush you refer to will enter the tiny area between gum and top of crown. If rigid better. Will that be adequate?
Should be, as an alternative you could also try threading "Superfloss" through from the gum area rather than trying to get down from the top.