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Cavity on the top of my front tooth, terrified of getting it fixed



Junior member
Aug 8, 2024
Last year I had to have two crowns and a pulpectomy done and was told I also had a few cavities that needed to be filled after not going to the dentist for almost 5 years. I got everything else done except the cavities. How I got through it, I have no idea, because I can’t even schedule a cleaning now, much less getting these cavities filled. The dentists weren’t even the problem, they were great but I told them I’d be back to have them filled, and have not contacted them since. And about a week ago, I noticed a what I think is a cavity on the top of one of my front teeth, touching my gumline. It has me panicking so badly because I know if I let it go, it’ll turn into a crown or maybe even a root canal and I can’t even imagine the panic a root canal would put me through.

I desperately need some tips on how to get myself to schedule an appointment because every time I think about it, I just start crying and panicking.

I also need to know how a cavity up far enough to touch the gums is treated? Is it different from a regular filling? What if the cavity extends under the gums a little? How painful will it be during and after the procedure?

I’m scared of the drill and the pain. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can’t stop dwelling on this. I just want my cavities fixed so I can stop panicking so much.
Hang on, you've had 2 crowns and a pulpectomy done already? You've already had far more invasive and longer treatment done than a simple filling, so you know deep down that you can manage it. It's just getting yourself over the hurdle of making the appointment.
Cavities are all treated pretty much the same way, doesn't matter where they are. Whether it's under the gum or not doesn't matter at all. It won't be any more painful and it's not going to be sore afterwards.

Maybe make a post in the "support" area of this site for some help in actually getting ready to get this appointment made?
Okay, I will do that. It makes me feel a little better to know that it won’t be painful or anything. I’m just freaked out over any procedure.
Fear of the unknown is the worst kind of fear, don't beat yourself up over it, it's normal.