• Dental Phobia Support

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Confused Scared cant work eat or sleep

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Junior member
Dec 21, 2011
Somebody help please.I have an impacted wisdom tooth bottom left that needs extracting.My dentist is an oral surgeon an a specialist in sedation.My dentist sent a referral to the hospital who have given the go ahead for my tooth to be extracted at his surgery.I went for my pre consultation in November an the dentist said he would remove under IV an booked me in for the 1st Dec.

After reading an working myself up about everything from extraction to IV to how I would feel after I rang him.Advised of my concerns an issues an he said the IV would make me drowsy an not remember the procedure.I still panicked and said I would prefer it to be done in hospital under GA.He said hes been sedating for a long time an doing wisdom tooth extractions for 20 years and I would be fine.He said I could take a tablet the night before and morning before procedure.I still refused.

Cut long story got call from hosp who said waiting list is 8 months an no gurantee surgeon would offer GA may just give IV too.So now am booked in back with dentist for 30th Dec in the morning as I cant wait 8 months.

Whats scaring me is panicking through the IV.I am confused.com people say they dnt recall anything once the IV has gone in so your kind of asleep.But they say your concious.So are you aware when he comes at with the needles.I dont understand.The drug he uses is Midozaplam.

I was sedated gor endoscopy and dont remember nothing just the IV going in.I Had colonoscopy and was relaxed but remember everything talking etc.

If i am in the colonoscopy state i will freak out and gag and say i cant breathe.Somebody please help i am a wreck.
Truly, you have nothing to worry about....

I've had 9 teeth extracted over a period of 4 weeks using only oral sedation. My preference is IV sedation although I really don't think there's much of a difference. All I remember is totally not caring and just wanting to sleep. My mouth was numb and felt absolutely nothing... nada...

Right now your Anticipatory Anxiety is what is making you more upset and the actual procedure is nothing.... truly, you'll come around and say... OMG! That's it?

I had 4 impacted wisdoms and 3 other teeth out under IV over 20 years ago... I was in and out in 45 minutes. I don't remember a thing.

Try to relax and enjoy your xmas. You'll be fine. [smiley=hugging.gif]
You are right about the anxiety an the build up its horrible.
So with the IV sedation its like I was asleep throughout the procedure. As I wont remember a thing.
But what if it dont work for me thats what worries me.
My dentist said to me yesterday you will sit in the chair the only thing i will remember after the treatment is the iv going into ny hand or arm.
yep, that's pretty much it...

Try to relax yourself as much as possible and let the sedation do it's thing.

Again... you will be SO relieved as it was too easy! ;D

I was afraid of oral sedation but.... I love the stuff! LOL!!!! Calms me down and puts me in like a light sleep. My 2 hour appointments feel like 20 mins.

If I can do it... you can too. [smiley=hugging.gif]

Looking forward to how it goes with you.
But what if it dont work for me thats what worries me.

I was worried about that too as the first dentist I saw told me it wouldn't work on me because my anxiety level was too high... he was SO wrong and I'm glad I found another dentist.

But like I was told (or what I read) on here was to try and relax and let the sedation do what it's suppose to do. The more relaxed you can make yourself the better it'll work.

Cheers mate! ;)
The dentist(doctor) absolutely controls the level of sedation, so if that's what he promised you, he will be able to do it. The beauty of IV is the ability to control the sedation down to the one drop at a time point. If you are still aware you will be able to tell him that - he will give you more, they monitor vital signs pretty closely that show changes in blood pressure, oxygen and pulse indicating relaxation/consciousness at the physical level.

Well i feel quite calm and relaxed.keeping my mind of it.By next week i will be a wreck.lol.
I am 30 years old had no dental work before hence the apprehension.Also with being sedated before twice an having different experiences has caused the concern.

However with my research on the web nearly all the stories I have read nobody has no memory of the procedure. Which is very positive. Ps managed to eat today and go to work.lol.
Friday is approaching thick and fast.I hope the IV sedation works on me.I just think what if i am relaxed but panick when i realise my tongue is numb along with my mouth/face.

Does anybody now if your having one impacted lower wisdom tooth removed will just one side of my tongue be numb or the whole lot.

They say your awake but very drowsy an after you dont have any rememberance of what happened like my endoscopy experience.I dont want to be drowsy an relaxed where i may panic when i csnt feel my tongue etc.

I had a lower wisdom tooth and the tooth next to it removed 18 months ago via IV sedation and didn't remember a thing about the entire experience. The clinic was brilliant and I only vaguely remember thanking the staff on the way out for some reason - don't even remember the hour car trip home. Got in went straight to bed and slept for quite some time so to be honest if you're anything like me you won't even know the numbness wearing off.
My wisdom tooth was badly damaged hence why I had to have it out but its the best thing I ever did. I suffered years before I admitted I needed to go and even worse I nearly ruined a trip to Las Vegas because I couldn't chew on it properly and got constant jaw and earache pain.

Good luck with Friday
This time tomorrow i will be at the dentists.I just had a call from them confirming my appt for tomorrow.Woke up so nervous this morning I dont want to go I really dont.

Everyones positive experiences have been great but you still think What if?

All pray for me today i will be ok.

Reallllllllly scared please help.i dont want to go i really dont why am i being such a baby

You may already be there now. You will be fine, I've had IV twice in the last month and its excellent.

Let us know how you get on. Good luck.
Hello everybody,

Firstly i want to say thank you to everybody who replied and reasurred me that i would be fine.

You were all right it was a walk in the park.

I went to bed last night abt 10pm takin a temazepam tabblet of 10mg this was to help me sleep and reduce anxiety. After taking the tablet I was so giggly and happy an then became drowsy.I dosed of at 22.30. However i woke up at 4am and did not sleep again. Thoughts going across my mind about sedation about feeling numb would i panic how would i breathe.

Anyway i got up at 8am got myself ready deep breaths all the way had some tea and toast and took the 2nd temazepam tablet. This made me feel less anxious but not as good as yesterday. My wife got the baby ready and we off we went dropping my son at his grans.

We got too the dentist and a young man was sitting there looking at me. For some reason i didnt feel nervous. Dr Jamal came down and saw me and said i know your anxious this chap has jus had four horizontal wisdom teeth extracted and a molar via iv sedation and he was just as scared.

I thought if he can do 5 teeth whats my 1. I walked into surgery sat in the chair my blood pressure taken. It wasnt so high. I was given a drink of mouthwash to swirl around in ny mouth near the tooth and spit out. The dentist put the injection in my hand a slight pinch but nothing i dont mind needles in the arms or hand.

Sedative starts going in dentist standing right in front of me talking about the UK economy and how the recession is affecting everybody. My last memory was Dr why are you worrying your a dentist.

From here i have no memory of anythibg else until i woke up in bed about an hour ago.

Apparently my wife said i hugged and thanked the staff i tried holdin the hand of a dental nurse lol. I have no memory of this no memory of how i put my coat on and got in the car and no memory if going to my mums house and behaving like a prat.

All i will say is people dont be scared Iv sedation is the best. You wont have any memory of anything believe me.no memory of needles in your mouth no memory of taking the tooth out nothing.If i can do it you can.

My mouth around where the tooth was feels sore an swollen taken some painkillers along with my antibiotics. Should pass i hope the bleeding has stopped too.

Lying in bed watchin twins with danny devito and arnie. Lol
i hope you feel better
I had IV sedation for my wisdom teeth extraction when I was in college. I had all four done on the same day. All I remember from the procedure was hearing the music they had playing. Then I remember afterward being escorted out to my mom. It was worth it to have them out. I'm glad I did because I went from 23 to 31 without dental insurance and the thought that I could have been in pain or had it get worse all that time is scary. Once you've healed from the procedure you'll feel so much better.