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Continuing pain after filling and temporary onlay



Junior member
Dec 6, 2009
On January 7th I had a composite fillings done on four teeth (13, 14, 15, and 18) and and had tooth number 19 drilled and a temporary onlay placed until the permanent one came in. Since that day I have had almost constant moderate to severe pain in tooth number 14 (composite filling) and tooth number 19 (temporary onlay). On the day of the procedure I went home to sleep once it was completed, and I was woken up from a dead sleep by pain 2 hours later. I went back to the dentist's office and he just looked at my teeth with a light but said he saw nothing and said I was just having "sensitivity." He gave me a prescription for pain meds.

Since then I have had almsot constant pain. There is no specific trigger - the temporary onlay is out of occlusion. I have the least pain when I am sleeping or not moving around much. Eating and normal activity aggravate the pain, and things like exercise make it almost unbearable, but at times they just hurt a lot for no reason. Tooth number 14 is extremely sensitive to cold. I don't drink hot drinks nor to I eat food that is hot, so I don't know about sensitivity to heat.

I went back to the dentist again on January 21st and he took some x-rays but kept dismissing the pain as 'sensitivity' and said it would probably go away after the permanent is put on. He did not address the ongoing pain in the filled tooth. He tried tapping on my teeth with a metal tool, but I can't stand the feeling of metal on my teeth and it was uniformly painful - he said that meant that the work he did was not affecting my pain. The pain did not start until I had these procedures done. He gave me another prescription for pain meds and said to wait for the permanent onlay to come in.

I am losing my mind... I'm living on Aleve and the prescription pills when the pain gets really bad, and I still usually have breakthrough pain. At this point I'm sorry I didn't just wait until the teeth needed root canals, at least then I wouldn't be stuck in this situation with no relief in sight.

Any insight or help anyone can give would be great.
get a second opinion and don't mention that you are sensitive to your teeth being tapped.