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corsodyl dental gel how to use it properly

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Dec 6, 2009

I have red gums and on visiting dentist for check up / scale & polish he advised using corsodyl dental gel to get rid of the redness.

I have heard that this stuff can stain your teeth gums and tongue. I've been told to use this for a week and was wondering if I could just brush gum area with it instead of whole mouth. Just the area where it is red.

Also when should I rince out after brushing with corsodyl. Should I wait and not rince straight away keeping it on the gums longer than normal.
Hi there,

You're absolutely right. Use the gel to target the areas where the gums are red. That's where the bacteria are affecting the gums.

If you brush your teeth well before using the gel then you should not have too much difficulty with staining. Even if the teeth do stain though, the hygienist or dentist can clean that off for you.

Corsodyl bonds to the teeth and helps stop bacteria growing. Best thing to do is clean properly beforehand, target the gel to the gum areas - repeat this for a week/10 days then go back to normal brushing/rinsing. Check regularly with your dentist/hygienist that you're cleaning properly and maintaining gum health.

Hope that helps :)
Hi Parsnip, new here. My dental hygienist recommended I use corsodyl gel also, except she told me to leave it on my the gum-line overnight and use this special brush to put it on with. I am not sure how to use the brush I just gently rub it up into the gum-line is this right? She told me to leave it on overnight because of mouth breathing, it doesn't taste great. And am I supposed to leave it on?
