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  • Thread starter Thread starter Claire_T
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Junior member
Aug 27, 2010
Hiya everyone,

When I went to the dentist the other week, the hygienist prescribed me Corsodyl mouth wash - I think it's because my gums bleed a lot when I brush my teeth, and the hygienist said that away from the gums my teeth were fine, but i was missing the bit were the tooth and gum join. Probably because my gums were sore!!

Now I go back to see the hygienist on 14th, so next Thursday.

Here's my question,

My gums seem a lot better than what they were. They're still a little, sore but that's because I've not been used to brushing that area before, and the amount of blood I'm experiencing in some areas has lessened.

With the Corsodyl though, why would the pharmacist have given me two bottles of the stuff?! How much do they think I'm gonna use?!?! I thought Corsodyl couldn't be used for prolonged periods of time? The first bottle has only just got below the top of the label and I'm using it twice a day!
Hi Claire_T I had one bottle of corsodyl from my dentist then he gave me a second prescription for more>he noticed a significant improvement in mt tethhs appearance.

The pharmacist has to dispense the amount prescribed by the dentist. So you get what was written down, some folks tend to be a bit generous with prescriptions.
My NHS dentist said I had early gum disease and said use Corsydol toothpaste.
It's vile and burnt my mouth and tongue and back of throat....[smiley=sick.gif] [smiley=sick.gif] [smiley=sick.gif]
(Mouthwashes are too vile for me to use at all)

My new PRIVATE dentist says my gums are just fine....They certainly don't bleed when I brush...
I'm concerned about gum disease as I get older (I'm 45) so is Corsydol toothpaste still a good idea, as I heard it was extremely good for gums, and far better than any other toothpaste for this..??
Doesn't really matter, it's the brushing and flossing that counts!
Thanks for the replies!

I've still got just under half of the first bottle left. Still not even opened the 2nd bottle.

What I can say for it is that my gums are looking better than what they were! They were a real dark red colour, now the top ones are just about a light pink colour and the bottom ones are still a bit reddish, but not as red as they were.

Some areas of my mouth don't bleed as much when I brush now. Some areas still have quite a bit of blood when I brush.

I wonder how long the hygienist will say to keep using the Corsodyl for? I go back on Thursday at 10.30am.
On the Colgate Citrus I got from America, it makes no mention of it being good for gums.
But the Corsydol toothpaste calls itself "GUM & tooth paste", like it's better for gums than normal toothpaste??
I'm really interested in caring for my gums.
Is this product really no better for gums than any other toothpaste??