• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Dead man walking



Junior member
Dec 30, 2008
Going Crazy with Anxiety

Hi my name is David and I'm 37yrs old. I live in Nashville,TN. Where to start with my story. Well I have got many issues going on in with my teeth and need to learn to over come this Anxiety and fear because to tell you all the truth it is running my life. I go to bed with Anxiety and wake up with it. I'm not sure what is wrong with me and why i cant control this. I have read many forms on here and have found some comfort in the story's but have also got alittle scared of them to.

I have got 2 of 6 teeth that are in real bad condition. I can not eat on ether side and that's not helping. The bottom line is this. I know that I need to get to a dentist and I know that my condition isn't getting any better but I can not over come this Anxiety and thoughts in my head to get the work done. I have had thrush and that was no fun, The MD Doctor said it was because of to much Amoxicillin.

I hope something good can come from this because I feel like this is my last shoot. :confused:
Re: Going Crazy with Anxiety

Hi Mr. Grumpy,

Lots of us on here were/are just like you. Most of us have overcome it, some of us are working through it, so you are in good company.

I can so relate to the anxiety. I just posted on a previous thread, and if you read that one, you will see that I had anxiety. You know looking back, that was probably the worst part!

I was so afraid of pain that I was taking so much codeine that I was in a fog for weeks. At times I was even to out of it to drive and my husband had to drive me around. How pathetic was that? I wasn't even feeling that much pain, I was just scared if I didn't take pain meds I would feel it, so I made sure I always had enough in my system so that I wouldn't feel any. NOT RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!

I sought counselling for my fear. Actually I got way more help on these boards!!!!!!!!!! Nothing beats peer support.

I cried all the time, I was very depressed, I didn't sleep for nights on end, I was in constant fear and anxiety.

But I ended up being so sick and tired of being sick and tired, that I got my root canal done, and my filling, and OMG, I gave way too much energy to the fear.

All that to say, go to a dentist. ;) Honestly, you will probably find like I did that the anxiety was so much worse than the procedures. Of course you do need A GOOD DENTIST - one who understands dental fear, and one who will work through it with you and not treat you like every other patient. That is a special kind of dentist, but they are out there.

Good luck, and if we can help in any way, just let us know.
Re: Going Crazy with Anxiety

Thank you for the kind words...And I understand that many people have been down the same road im going down today. And you know it does help to know that people like yourself can understand my feelings and know what it's like to be in this shape. Thanks again........
Need Help Fast

Its May 3,2008. I'm a long time member and have already had one Thread here and had some great help.
But I now have another question.
My tooth number 5 on the gum is Little swollen and now there's a white head on it, Do I Bust that white head so it can drain or just let it be for now.....Any Help plz.......
Re: Need Help Fast

I never bust unless I'm taking antibiotics. I'm sure a dentist wouldn't advise it, but it feels better to do it. It relieves alot of the pressure. After I pop it I always hold perodoxyl mouth wash on it (or listerine if you don't have the other). The perodoxyl has peroxide it in so it bubbles out infection. You can use regular peroxide but it taste like poop, and according to my dentist its not something that should always be used. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
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Re: Need Help Fast

OK but if I go to the dentist what Will they do, I mean they will open it up and do the same just trying to save me some money right now.
Re: Need Help Fast

No, here they will not pop an abssess. They take an xray, look in with the mirror, and write you a script for antibiotics. Once I popped one without being on meds and I felt really yucky afterwards. I got the runs and was vomitting.
Re: Need Help Fast

well thanks for the heads up...I have been on so much meds that it give me thrush and trust me thats not real fun to have.....so they dont want me on anymore meds for now so what do you do in this case..Man ol Man having teeth sometimes is a pain in the butt.....More so when you are scread of the dentist....
Well this is going to be my second post here and the reason is that I have yet been able to find a way to get to the Dentist and get my issues took care of. I have been living with dental issues for almost 2 years now, I have been on and off Meds for this for all most the same time. I have let this take over my mind and my body. I have been to a head doc and so far no help. I just read a story on the Internet about a young boy (10-12) years old that has lost his life because of a tooth that was sick..OMG isn't that sad and yet I still sit here and cant go to the dentist. WHY? Whats wrong with me, This is making me crazy and I'm losing my mind. I read alot of forms on here about other people and there fears and yet I feel like still I have the worst case ever. Folks I need support like never before. I'm losing my life and I know this and yet I can not go get this crap took out of my head. I'm a dead man walking.
Hi David
:welcome: back. I have merged your threads so they are all together. So you have made some progress because you have come back here. Have you found a dentist you think you might like to give a try? That might be a place to start because once you have got a shortlist, you choose how quickly you move forward.
We don't have any dentists listed for Nashville but this doesn't mean there aren't any who can help..I am sure there are. Could you read some reviews for dentists in your area, they can be very revealing and it may help you draw up your shortlist and feel more in control.
You'll do it when you are ready. Do you think you want a dentist offering sedation or just someone who will take their time with you, explain what they are doing and keep you comfy with just local anesthetic?
Think about what you would need to happen at an appointment for you to feel comfortable about it and what must not happen for you to feel ok?
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I know exactly how you feel! Even though you know you need to go, you just can't do it. I am trying to work in small steps and will make my first appointment in several years on Tuesday. It is hard to even think about calling. I wish I had more inspiring advice, but right now I all I have for you is compassion and understanding. Know that you are not alone and that in my heart I feel like my teeth are worse than yours and that I'm more scared than you. We can do this! Contact me if you just need to talk about how you feel...that's kind of where I'm at.
Thanks for the reply Brit and Pearly.. I have found a Dentist come to think of it I have been to afew of them. I have no issue(well I say I don't) going to a dentist, My issues is with the work, the fear that things are going to go bad and I'm not coming out of there. I just don't know anymore. This is way out of control. I have been talking to Stress Doc and he has giving me alot of help and I understand that I must first listen in order to start to heal again, But thats easier said then done My friends. I looked at that site and its pretty cool and my dentist is on there as well, Like I said I have no issues going just getting the work done...Thats were things turn bad.
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Hi david :welcome:,

when you're saying that you are scared of things going to go bad, what exactly are you afraid of? For example, some people fear they will have a catastrophic reaction to the local anaesthetic, while others are worried about having a panic attack which they believe could harm them. Or you might be scared about the treatment not being carried out properly (though you mentioned "not coming out of there", so I take it you are not referring to that).
hi david
I can relate totally to the not coming out of there bit yr worried about!!! When I first started looking for a dentist that was one of my fears I got so scared and my heart was pounding so badly that i felt like if i got in the chair i would have a heart attack and thats it. I think its because i always felt trapped in the chair they lay them so far back and you feel like you cant get up if you need to. Im claustrophobic ( small spaces fear) and that didnt help but when i found the right dentist he was great he puts the chair back first then i get in and if its too far i go up more please and he does im in charge i need to feel comfortable and not stuck and it s really worked just him laying me back to where im happy helps so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly you will find a nice dentist who can help you they are out there somewhere!!!!
also make sure you tell the dentist yr nervous or however you want to put it my dentist works with loads of nervous patients and he says there is nothing harder for him than when a guy walks in clearly scared to death but wont admit it he says he could do so much to reassure them but they wont admit it and hes not about to say yr scared aren't you!!!! admit the truth thats the first step in trusting yr new dentist
hope it goes well for you let us know wont you
all the best
Thanks folks for the reply today.
My fear is there and yet the dentist I have seen already seem to think of it as 'no big deal' that kills me when they do that to me. I'm like a baby when there and I need to be treated like one, Ya I know sounds crazy and I'm 37 yrs old how crazy is that. But when I say that I think that I want come out of there its that the fear could give me a Heart attic and kill me dead or something, My disorder is real bad folks nothing like you have ever seen or heard of...I need lots of help and my running for over 2yrs about this is taken life away from and thats not good....
Hi again,
your fear is actually more common than you realize! A lot of people are scared of exactly the same thing. The good news is that, unless you have severe underlying medical problems, an extreme panic reaction cannot harm you. Yes it feels awful, but we have evolved over thousands of years to deal with extreme threats (such as wild animals and the like), and our bodies are built to withstand extreme adrenaline surges - which result in a very fast heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, trembling, sweating, etc.

Do you have any medical problems which make you think that you may be at risk?

Some people with this fear have found sedation to work really well for them. These are calming agents which make you feel relaxed and thus lower your heart rate and blood pressure. There are various sedation options available which you may find useful - oral sedation (pills), nitrous oxide (laughing gas), or intravenous sedation. You can read more here:

As others have already mentioned, sharing your fears with your dentist is really important (though you may have already done that?).

I'm certain that there must be an option that works for you - it's just a case of finding it :grouphug:

And BTW - none of the things you said sound "crazy" (unless we're all crazy here, lol :) - which may well be the case :p)
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Thanks letsconnect,
My main thing is CONTROL I am a person of control, I have never ever been but to sleep or had to take a drug and in form like that.
Bottom line here is FEAR thats the issue... The reason for this is because of this.
There was a story that had came on TV from 20/20 a news show. This lady was but under for something they was doing to her. But come to find out SHE was still awake but was not able to talk,move or anything she could hear the ppl talk and could tell what they was doing to her..well this is crazy but I to feel like it could happen to me. If I was put under and something was wrong and I could not tell them that would be bad. I have a fear of not having control.
You know its funny but I told the Dentist that Im in need and the only way to get me help is to do me like a wild animal, run up behind me and shoot me with a dart lol...sounds funny but it nothing less then the truth.
The story on the news show was referring to general anesthetic if she was "put under". This is a totally different kettle of fish from sedation! Sedation is essentially an artificially induced state of relaxation - you can move and communicate. When sedated, you are in no way paralysed.

Of course, sedation is not for everyone (as you said, you like to be in control) - it was just a suggestion :). A panic reaction may feel horrible, but unless you are very severely medically compromised in the first place, it can do no harm to you.
Please dont worry about sedation it really isnt like a 'lock in' you can tell the dentist if you are in pain or want a break, you are just really relaxed. I remember telling the dentist to sedate me more and he just told me it was over...i was so pleased. I also remember telling them when i felt crowded with him and the nurse and the scaler and suction tube and he sort of moved stuff and I relaxed. it also make my 2 1/2 hour appointment feel like 20 minutes

Although IV sedation works for some people, others dont like it and there are other methods like valium, nitrous, or just the dentist going slowly at a rate you can deal with. its just what you want. i went for IV sedation because I wanted it all over with and I wouldnt have been able to sit still if i was worried

As long as you have a dentist you like and trust the control shouldnt feel like too big a problem, you can ask to stop whenever you want.

Honestly...everyone who comes on here feels like there the biggest phobic ever and will never be able to acheive what the people posting their sucess stories did...but you know what...they do...and then they are posting their own sucess stories too! if you need any convincing find my journal...i was freaking out before my appointment to the point where I felt sick, miserable and couldnt eat. i lost half a stone (and at 8 stone normally that really wasnt good) and just wanted to die...i honestly felt like killing myself at times and I know im not the only person on here to feel like that....but im so glad i faced my fear and won! good luck...im sure you will too
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thanks again folks.....Im still looking for HOPE and I know its there just have to go get it.....:cheers: