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Delayed pain after wisdom teeth removal and cavity filling?

  • Thread starter Thread starter gilc
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Junior member
Jan 12, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
7 months ago I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed without any problems or complications. Two months ago I returned to my dentist for a cleaning and filling. My two back teeth on the left side had old "silver" fillings and there was also a new cavity on one of the teeth. The dentist removed the old fillings and replaced them with the white fillings and also took care of the new cavity by drilling and filling it. I did not experience any pain after the procedure. Six weeks went by and then I began to experience mild discomfort around the two teeth, mostly hot/cold sensitivity. Last week I went in for a check up and polish and the dentist said its normal to experience some pain after the fillings and everything in the area looked great. Since then the pain in this area has continued to get worse. It has now moved into the area where my wisdom teeth used to be, I feel a throbbing pain in the gum area where those teeth were but only on the left side. Is there some sort of nerve damage that could be causing me to feel pain in teeth that are no longer there? Is there something wrong with the fillings on that side? The gum looks fine but it's seems odd that I was not in any pain for so long and then all of a sudden I am experiencing significant pain. The only recent activity in the area was the polishing, could that have upset a nerve? Is it normal for pain to be delayed like this? I was pain free for so long after the procedures it worries me that all of a sudden I'm experiencing discomfort and pain. Thank you for any advice or insight you can provide.
I doubt if it's anything to do with the wisdom tooth, but the only way to be sure is to go back and get the dentist to have another look at it.
7 months ago I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed without any problems or complications. Two months ago I returned to my dentist for a cleaning and filling. My two back teeth on the left side had old "silver" fillings and there was also a new cavity on one of the teeth. The dentist removed the old fillings and replaced them with the white fillings and also took care of the new cavity by drilling and filling it. I did not experience any pain after the procedure. Six weeks went by and then I began to experience mild discomfort around the two teeth, mostly hot/cold sensitivity. Last week I went in for a check up and polish and the dentist said its normal to experience some pain after the fillings and everything in the area looked great. Since then the pain in this area has continued to get worse. It has now moved into the area where my wisdom teeth used to be, I feel a throbbing pain in the gum area where those teeth were but only on the left side. Is there some sort of nerve damage that could be causing me to feel pain in teeth that are no longer there? Is there something wrong with the fillings on that side? The gum looks fine but it's seems odd that I was not in any pain for so long and then all of a sudden I am experiencing significant pain. The only recent activity in the area was the polishing, could that have upset a nerve? Is it normal for pain to be delayed like this? I was pain free for so long after the procedures it worries me that all of a sudden I'm experiencing discomfort and pain. Thank you for any advice or insight you can provide.

Hello, I know this is an old post, but what happened to your teeth. Did everything resolve itself? Or did the dentist have to fix something?