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Dental crown was messed up, must be removed



Junior member
Sep 29, 2014
United States
So I recently had three teeth crowned- two of them have had root canals, one had not, all three were back teeth/molars. One lower left side, and two on the right side of my mouth, one upper and one lower, the lower one on my right side being the one that has not had a root canal. Everything was going great until it came time for the dentist's assistant to floss out the excess cement from around my teeth. The two which have had root canals were fine, but when she "popped" the floss out from under my tooth which still has feeling, she raised the crown about a millimeter in the back, so it sits crookedly now. She didn't say anything and kept picking cement out from between my teeth.
When the dentist came back from tending to another patient she immediately took over from her assistant, saying that she had let the cement harden before getting it all out, and immediately saw what had happened. She had me close my mouth on a batwing, that little black piece of paper that shows them where your teeth touch, and angrily told the assistant that my bite was off and it hadn't been before. She filed my crown down so it was more comfortable and told me they would have to have another crown made and I'd have to come back, have the crown removed, and have the new one put on.

My question is this: Have any of you had a crown removed, and was it awful? The process of having three crowns put on at once was agonizing, and the fact that the tooth that got messed up is the only one with any feeling seems to be adding insult to injury. I hate going to the dentist, I had a very bad experience when I was 4, and I keep freaking out even thinking about going back and having her assistant work on my tooth again.
Hi I have had a crown off and they come off quite easily by the dentist. You do need it putting right because a bite that is out will give you a lot of trouble eventually. Good for your dentist for noticing and acting in your best interest by replacing it.

Good luck :clover::clover::clover::butterfly:
Hi I have had a crown off and they come off quite easily by the dentist. You do need it putting right because a bite that is out will give you a lot of trouble eventually. Good for your dentist for noticing and acting in your best interest by replacing it.

Good luck :clover::clover::clover::butterfly:
Absolutely nobody is happy when the outcome is not satisfactory BUT the important thing is that your dentist is readily willing to remove the crown and redo. This is the right thing and I'm glad to hear it. Sounds like you have an honest dentist.