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Dentures and implants - embarrassed

  • Thread starter Thread starter aprilbenson2
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Junior member
Jul 19, 2024
North Augusta, SC
Hello all! I could use some guidance and support.

3 years ago, I had the remaining upper teeth removed due to really bad oral health. I have extreme anxiety and worry when it comes to the dentist. After the removal, I had temporary dentures and finally got my permanent dentures. I worked extremely hard to save up and 2 months ago, I had 4 implants put in under IV sedation. My face was so swollen for about 3 weeks I couldn’t wear my dentures at all. I am a teacher so luckily, I could stay at home and didn’t have to face the public.

I went back 4 days ago and 1 of the implants had to be removed. While the dentist was removing it, he did a bone graph and the plan is to have the implant replaced in a few months after healing. Here is the problem… the side of my face was so swollen the last 3 days my eye was shut. The swelling has started to subside but I am scared to take my dentures out because i fear I can’t get them back in. School has started back and I am terrified to go without my teeth in public, especially around middle school kids. What do I do? Take out the dentures and pray the swelling will continue to go down and give my gums 2 days to recover or keep them in and pray I heal appropriately?

Also, please know you are beautiful!!
Hi, did you talk to your dentist about this? If so, what did they say? Having your face so swollen that your eye is shut sounds very extreme... If you haven't contacted your dentist yet, you should definitely tell him about the situation and ask his advice.

Hoping that the swelling is going down quickly now 🤗