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Dentures at 22? Wisdom teeth in the way?

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Junior member
Jan 15, 2012
I'm 22 years old and have many some very poor decisions in my life when it came to my oral health. Those bad choices turned into habits which I was never able to break. Now it's too late. I have already had my molars removed and it's inevitably going to happen to the rest of my teeth. I have been doing quite a bit of research about dentures and am trying to get comfortable with the fact that I'll need them before too long.

I've always had a small, crowded mouth. With the fairly recent removal (6 months) of my molars, my wisdom teeth are finally coming in. My bottom left is pretty much completely in and my top right and top left are about half way in. My lower left still hasn't broken the surface yet.

I want to get dentures before too long. Is this even possible at this moment? Should I wait until my wisdom teeth are completely in?
Maybe your wisdom teeth will fill in for the molars. Are you sure your teeth aren't salvageable? Lots of our posters think they have the worst teeth ever and fear they will lose them all. Unfortunately it happens sometimes but rarely at 22 when you are still getting teeth. At age 50, I ignored my teeth for a long time- avoidance due to phobia- but it wasn't too late.........

Why don't you start by finding a dentist you feel comfortable having a look and go from there...

It's never to late to change and make right choices. Way too young to live a life based on regrets.


Without knowing your dental situation, I urge you to keep as many teeth as possible. In order to do so you might have to have some fillings and other treatments, but it is worth it. If it is a problem because of dental fear or high costs or anything else, please write about it, surely someone will have a good advise.
If costs are no issue, I strongly recommend to check the option of implants. In most cases implants are much better than dentures.
It is also important to distinguish between full-denture and partial-denture. A partial denture is by far better when it comes to the quality of chewing.

In short, try to keep as many teeth as possible. Full dentures is a bad solution, specially in your age.

All the best
Thank you for the replies.

To be honest, price is a big reason I'm strongly considering dentures. But a bigger reason is the time all the procedures would take. I just want to be able to smile and love life! I know that with all the other procedures I need, it would be a very long time until I got to the point of being comfortable smiling in public... and that's if the procedures even worked. I feel as if dentures are the quick and cost effective way for me to move on to a more enjoyable life.
Until your teeth are in a cup on your nightstand...........think about getting involved in a relationship.........not just an external flash of teeth to the outside world.

What do you need doing to your teeth. Sorry if I'm being too nosy you don't have to say.
Thank you for the replies.

To be honest, price is a big reason I'm strongly considering dentures. But a bigger reason is the time all the procedures would take. I just want to be able to smile and love life! I know that with all the other procedures I need, it would be a very long time until I got to the point of being comfortable smiling in public... and that's if the procedures even worked. I feel as if dentures are the quick and cost effective way for me to move on to a more enjoyable life.

After extracting a tooth, it takes about 5-6 weeks for the tissue to reach its final shape. That is why it is needed to wait at least a month (it is better even longer) until the dentist can take good impressions for the final dentures. During this time the patient has temporary dentures.
However, with partial dentures, if the "bad teeth" has been extracted, no need for temporal solution, no need to wait, so it might be cheaper and faster partial dentures.

One might think that taking all the teeth will be a certain solution to avoid fillings and crowns and the dentist in general, but it is not true. It is possible to maintain a healthy and clean mouth (brushing correctly and regularly and once in a while checking and cleaning the teeth).
I heard this analogy the other day and really liked it. Think of your favorite food (for example, hamburgers). Now, imagine holding two pieces of plastic, placing the hamburger in the middle, and smashing the two ends down. That's what life is like with dentures. Its an option, but not a good one. Like Dr. Daniel said, I urge you to reconsider. Partial dentures may be a better option if you still have good canines and premolars.